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I’m happy to announce that Not Alone will be returning to this site in January! My major commitment ends next Wednesday, giving me the chance to stock up on some new pages before I start posting them again.
However, I’ve decided that Not Alone will be coming to an end in a reasonably short period of time after that. Even though I’ve been busy, I’ve been thinking about the story and how I want it to progress. I have decided that there is a story to be told here, that needs to be told, but it’s not a long one. This comic was created originally as a way for me to cope with my divorce, and all that changed in my life after that happened. I don’t really feel the need to have it be ongoing now that I feel like I’m handling life pretty well, but I do feel like I want to finish telling the story I’ve started. It might clear up a few things, and if nothing else, will make me feel good. Kind of a public “No! Wait! I can explain!!”
Anyhow, after I finish this story, I’d like to develop a different web comic in it’s place. One that’s not autobio, because a) I’m not sure the genre is for me(seriously, my life is super boring), and b) every time I think of something cool I want to do, I feel like I’m just ripping off an already existing autobio comic done by someone way better at it than me!
So right now I am figuring out how to end Not Alone, and how to begin a new work of fictional comics for your enjoyment. I promise to tell you folks more as things develop, but in the mean time I’m going to focus on beating this deadline and getting out more pages of Not Alone!