We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

Sep 02, 2015 22:25

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Layout by ephectic


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hecatescurse August 21 2012, 05:50:23 UTC
I saw you around on HiH in Slytherin and after reading some of your public posts, you seem incredibly awesome and I think we'd get along pretty well, politics and other wise. Friends? :)


cattiechaos August 21 2012, 05:55:12 UTC
I would love to be friends! <3 Fellow snakes are always welcome :-)

Also, I am a total snoop and I couldn't resist poking around your journal - I have to say I'm glad I did, because that TV series you mocked up? "Enhanced"? Absolutely phenomenal. I am in love. My attention span is too short to create huge plots like that so I am always awed of people who have a talent for such things.

Adding you right now! :-)


hecatescurse August 21 2012, 06:00:32 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I'm actually considering making another TV series picspam thingy before school starts! I have the ideas. I just need to not be lazy and do the photoshopping and writing!


cattiechaos August 21 2012, 06:12:31 UTC
Ever consider turning it into a full-length story? I would read it in a heartbeat! ♥


hecatescurse August 21 2012, 06:15:29 UTC
Awww! <3

I actually have a couple of stories along the same line as Enhanced running through my head. And one of them I've written a bit of already, so if I do write more fic for it, it'd probably be for the one I've written a bit. It's similar, but it's magic rather than superpowers.

But lately, I've been thinking about doing a post-dystopian fic exploring what happens when the old government is gone, since most dystopian fics seem to focus on the rebellion and don't really think about what reconstruction would be like. That's the one I'm thinking about doing another TV show/picspam for, actually.

Unless you think I should do the magic one, because that can also be done! They're both pretty developed in my head, at least character-wise.


cattiechaos August 21 2012, 06:39:19 UTC
I personally love dystopian stories (I haven't personally read "The Hunger Games", but "1984" is my favorite book of all time) so that sounds really interesting too! By "post-dystopian", do you mean that the government of that dystopia is taken down by a rebellion and now a new, fairer one has to be established from the ashes? Because...holy shit so much material to work with! And you could totally get all scientific too (well, politically scientific) about the rise and fall of regimes XD

I'm not sure if you mean fic (as in, a series of inter-related snippets from this universe) or if you're considering writing an actual novel out of one of these ideas, but they both sound like good ideas to me :D


hecatescurse August 21 2012, 06:46:17 UTC
1984 is my favorite book too! That and In the Time of the Butterflies. They're tied, really. Though maybe 1984 wins by a tiny, tiny bit. Not sure yet. But yes, that's what I mean. The only problem is that I know nothing about political science, so I'd need to do a lot of research. Granted, I'll probably focus less on the rebuilding itself per se and focus more on how it would effect specific characters, since I'm much more interested in character psychology/development/change.

I've thought about writing a real novel, but mostly, I've just done short fic for a lot of this so far. Writing a real novel is difficult for me. I don't have that persistence. >.>


cattiechaos August 21 2012, 06:54:05 UTC
YAY for being "1984" buddies! :D I finished reading that book and it was like

... )


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