We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

Sep 02, 2015 22:25

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Layout by ephectic


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lovelycudy September 3 2010, 21:22:55 UTC
Hi, there!

Political ambitions? That sounds interesting. What do you want to do?


cattiechaos September 5 2010, 01:03:53 UTC
Hi there! <3

I want to pursue a career as a United States diplomat and promote tolerance and international cooperation abroad :). I plan on studying in D.C. to make the proper connections and then the world awaits!


lovelycudy September 5 2010, 04:48:26 UTC
Oh! That's seriously fascinating! How do you do that? I mean, what do you study?


cattiechaos September 5 2010, 05:14:03 UTC
I wonder if there's a guideline? I've never talked with an actual ambassador before so I'm just doing it my way - as in, studying history, culture, languages, and keeping up with international politics on BBC World News. Honestly, I had an interest in all of these before I realized my ambition, but now I'm extra motivated :)


lovelycudy September 5 2010, 17:57:40 UTC
I have a friend who works in diplomacy and she told me she had to apply in the Embassy and fulfil a series of requirements (languages for example) after she got her Politics degree. But that's here in Argentina... AFAIK is a long, hard career path but it's truly rewarding.


cattiechaos September 6 2010, 00:41:47 UTC
Do you know how many languages your friend is proficient in? I'm working on getting 3 or even 4 down by the time I'm done with college. I'll probably have to apply for the Embassy also, but hopefully I'll be stationed abroad x)


lovelycudy September 6 2010, 00:48:58 UTC
In addition to Spanish she speaks English, French and German. As far as I know you only need two in addition to your own native language. Three or four is amazing, tbh. Which ones do you want to study?


cattiechaos September 6 2010, 00:57:51 UTC
OH MY GOODNESS! ;____; *dies* Th-That's pretty much my dream, to tell you the truth. I'm learning Spanish at school and I am relatively proficient. I study German on the side and it's hard because I'm teaching myself. I also speak Korean from my mother's side of the family ^^ I would love to learn French, but I would just butcher the pronunciation, it's so difficult for me ;^;


lovelycudy September 6 2010, 03:05:15 UTC
French is quite difficult, in my opinion. I can read it but I can't write it or speak it, which is sad. But I do plan to go back to study it next year as well as start with German. Knowing those language in addition to English and my native Spanish would be really useful for my career.

Besides, I love languages. They are the best way to understand another culture, imho.


cattiechaos September 6 2010, 03:51:00 UTC
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think French is pretty similar to Spanish? The words, that is - the pronunciation is a jungle of confusion! I'm glad that we share the same love of languages! :D Good luck starting German next year. Personally I really enjoy the language; I think it sounds cool :3 Your English is very good also, so kudos to you! ^^ My Spanish is not so good, but I would survive in a Spanish-speaking country. I think XD


lovelycudy September 7 2010, 00:20:00 UTC
Sorry for the delay, I just got home. Spanish and French are similar, you are right. Both of them are romance languages derived from Latin and have similar grammar structures.

I've heard that German and English are similar. Is that true?

I bet your Spanish is good :D


cattiechaos September 8 2010, 03:17:54 UTC
German actually is somewhat similar to English - the only difference of course is the der/die/das. Of course this will probably be easy for you because Spanish has el/la also. That is a hard thing to learn for native English speakers! We just use "the" for everything. It's easier that way - or we're just lazy! XD

Maybe I should practice my Spanish with you one day ( > w > )


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