We cannot escape our past ~ We are true to our roots

Jan 14, 2011 20:58

In the New York times, there is an article about how an Asian upbringing is superior to a Western upbringing.

I'm sure you all are familiar with the stereotype of the Asian teenager. Smart, studious, straight A's, and probably a student of piano or violin. Growing up inside an Eastern culture while living in a Western country can be challenging, because Westerners strongly uphold the fundamental cornerstone of which America was founded on: independence and equality. This is what makes us American.

Yet I believe that being raised with discipline and authority is respectable as well. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to go to sleepovers, stay out late, or go to parties. The truth is, I didn't mind. I never wanted to rebel, because the virtues of respect and obedience were strongly ingrained within me, and I was proud of those values. I am proud to be a person of - if it is not too pretentious to say - integrity.

Yes, you hear about the Asian student who jumped off a roof because the pressure to be perfect was too great. But don't forget that you also hear about the American teenager who became pregnant at 16 and stayed out until 2am partying to come home and scream at their parents.

Penny for your thoughts? Comments will be screened.

I apologize if these musings weigh heavily upon you. Some subjects - politics, religion - are considered beyond the sphere of interest for most people. They prefer to be apathetic - and that is their right. But if you like to philosophize... Well, if you like to philosophize, I'm glad I have you on my f-list :)

discussion, cultural differences

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