Jan 31, 2007 22:23
Day #1 of the no smoking for Lindsey plan went on without a hitch. I feel fine and only slightly craved a cigarette when my brother and his girlfriend were having one at my place tonight. I've done this before and it is very easy. I can't wait to be able to wake up and not cough a bunch upon rising.
I remember in 5th grade we had to do an art project where we designed a poster encouraging kids to not smoke. I got honorable mention with mine. It was very simple and it said "Don't smoke because it makes you stink!" Then I drew a little picture of clothing, a smile, and a couch and they all had stink lines coming off of them. Then I grow up and smoke the stupid things. Not any more though!!!
I'm feeling great.
I feel like I hurt one of my friends feelings today. It was not intentional. See this friend of mine was a love interest of mine in the past. Now we are just friends with benefits, if you know what I mean. Ok, so he called me today and I told him about meeting the wonderful guy of my dreams. He didn't sound happy for me and only asked if his benefits would be cut off now. To which I said, "Probably so if things continue the way they have been going so far." He seemed hurt. He said that he was calling because he wanted to take me out to dinner and to the bar, but after I told him my great news he said never mind and that he would just call someone else. I told him because I thought he would be happy for me. He had many chances to be with me and he didn't seem interested in a 'real' relationship with me. He always told me about the other women in his life and I always listened without getting bitchy or jealous. I may be blowing this all out of proportion, but then again, maybe not.
Back to cleaning my house now....