Jan 03, 2020 05:33
I had been loved with her 43 days, today it's ended, to be honest, yesterday, it was started like just sex, and I can't tell if it was wonderful sex. It was just sex, but of course (than hell with my "offcouse" how it has to be spelled?) so I'd like to say I felt something from her side in the beginning, independent of here totally drank independent of something else, it started as a miracle but I prosral (please my English speaking friends help me with correct word) I prsral it yesterday. it was because I'm not so strong as I expected it. I'm sorry my darling, I'm so sorry. I bought a ring for you... now I'm wearing it on my finger, just for reminding myself about all the world is any ellusum just a fog just a mirage in the dust. now I know why I stopped it 15 years ago. because I have to be alive and don't kill myself. Now I'd like to keep my soul not put it under beg foul cave. I'm feeling asleep, tomorrow after work I'm starting to writing a novel about my love, it would be porno-novel