Another summary post

Aug 02, 2013 07:13

Here I am again, and here is another brief summary post. It has been hot recently and sleep is hard to find. Still unemployed, nine months out of work and not a single interview despite many jobs applied for. Considering going self employed if no one else will employ me. The car has broken down one too many times so we are trying to find another, got sold a turkey that broke down on the way home, they took it back but we lost money on taxing it etc and getting a garage to look at it. Now we are hoping to get another one via recommended source, but stuck strictly local until we do.
No more film extra work as the dole take all the money bar £20 off you if you tell them, and prosecute you if you don't. One of the reasons I am thinking going self employed. Not getting to any steampunk events partly due to the car, partly due to just STUFF that happens every time we want to go to stuff. Got to do some LRP but not as much as wanted to.
I went on a one day puppeteering course for my birthday and had a brilliant time, learned some simple yet astounding stuff. I hope to add what I have learned to my own skills.
Huxley has not yet moved to America, it will be this time next year now.
There is a lot more, there always is, but I can't think too well just yet as I am sleeping badly in the heat and when I did get to sleep this morning I got woken up again by Huxley smashing a glass picture frame while fending off a wasp *sigh* so here I am awake and tired and imbibing coffee to be able to function.
Sadie, Trizia's mum, has been moved into a care home in Northern Ireland after she had another fall. She always said she would kill herself rather than go into a home but her old doctor talked her into trying it just while she recovered from the injuries and now she seems to happy to stay as she has people to talk to, good food, 24/7 care. But she does dream things and think they are real, she can't tell the difference between the two and won't accept it when you tell her she has obviously dreamed something. Its a stress on Trizia, who has her own problems and could do without the extra, but with luck Sadie will stay in the home when her respite care is up and she has the choice to stay there permanently. With luck we will have a working car by then as well so we can go over and deal with all her belongings, house etc.
Still tinkering with my book, had the first chapter reviewed by author Paul Magrs and he liked it, so hopefully it might go somewhere provided I can actually get the thing written. Again STUFF keeps happening and its hard to find time to sit down and write when STUFF is going on.
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