Man arrested in threat to kill Obama Harmless nut who wouldn't kill a fly? They're ALL harmless nuts - until they do harm.
Some snippets:
Murray made bizarre statements last month while opening -- and then closing within two weeks -- an $85,000 savings account at Zions First National Bank in St. George, Utah, the Secret Service said in documents filed Thursday.
The criminal complaint says Murray, originally from Rexford, N.Y., is the registered owner of eight guns.
He was described by his father and former neighbors in Rexford as troubled but not dangerous. He was known for strolling down a street wearing a cape and talking to himself.
Here's a big, big unreported gap for you: Where did a guy known for walking down the street in a cape and talking to himself get eight guns and $85,000? When you have that kind of firepower and money at your disposal, you are no longer a crazy lone nut talking about killing the president - you have the weapons and the resources to bring you close to, if not at, your goal.
In a severe recession with most Americans losing their savings and their homes, where did a guy like that get eighty-five grand and change?
Not a credible threat, my ass. Credible threats have money. They have resources. They have weapons. And they have that little flint of crazy determination that makes them do the unthinkable. And a week after Dr. George Tiller was assassinated in Kansas, every far-right "lone nut" type -- convinced by a steady stream of far-right propaganda and hate speech that they are fighting The Great Battle at the End of the World and that Obama is either the Devil Himself or at the very least the End of America -- EVERY ONE OF THOSE IS A CREDIBLE THREAT.