Aug 15, 2011 01:49

[Sebastian opens his eyes and all what he sees is unfamiliar darkness. Getting up, he dusts his suit, he is the Phantomhive's butler after all and what would people think if he appeared dishevelled ? Really. Looking around once more, Sebastian takes the device he found near him and starts to write on it with the little pen-thing. It's interesting, how his words appear on the dark screen.]

I don't know where I am, I don't even know how I arrived there. A minute ago, I was in London, waiting for my fakely dead body to be buried and now I am here, wherever 'here' is. Maybe some kind of higher power found amusing to transport me in this place for a reason or another ? Very well then. I never mind to play new games.

The night around me is pitch-black, without the lights of London to warm it up. The stars in the sky shine softly but not enough to give any luminosity. Given their positions, it seems that I am far from the Phantomive Manor. Not even sure that I am still in England. The Young Master ? Well, I'm sure I'll find him again. I won't let such a delicous soul get away from me so easily.

For the moment, I am in a clearing, standing in the middle of a dark and deep forest, exhaling sweet and spicy unknown fragrances. As silent as a tomb. But I am not alone. Oh no, I am not. All around me, I can feel presences, dark and mysterious. They are not human, not demonic. Powerful, yes but kind, no.

[He stops to write and listens. It seems to him that he heard the rustle of leaves not too far. But he just shrugs. Why to be afraid of what is around him ? Sebastian is a demon after all. His fingers mechanically reach for the rowan crown on his head, careful not to make it fall. What do they say about rowan tree again ?]

Over the limits of the forest, I sense the presence of numerous souls. Some powerful but all different from the things hiding in the forest. I now will walk away, find my way through the trees and see if I can learn more about this most strange place.

[Sebastian leaves the clearing behind, without looking back. He doesn't know if his words will reach anyone. To tell the truth, he doesn't really care.]

l!forest, !ic, c!alois (entrancy), c!aveil (chauvinisms), c!luki (tykebombing), f!text, c!miyo (ungodliest), g!demeleier

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