Title: Stark Contrast
Author: Catslove17
Fandom: Japanese Popular Culture
Genre: Realism
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1049
Disclaimer: These people would cringe knowing that I'm using them like this. I got my info from
Shige's CR group Summary: Prince Charming is very different from Maki's imaginings
Author's Notes: There are so many
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Though I do sometimes find that some people's writing is very bland.
In a way I'm not a very good judge of literature. I know what I like obviously, and what's good, bad, cliche etc in terms of plot, but when it comes to actual writing ..... I find that a lot of stuff that I like is epic, analogy kind of beautiful, that probably borders on cliche a bit. And I rarely comment on people actual style of writing. Sometimes I can't even give constructive criticism when I want to.
But thank you so much for saying all this to me. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy that someone thinks I can do what I enjoy doing. And to emphasis it with capitals. Always a plus. I hope with experience comes golden material though. I'll have bigger things to talk about. Actually I've never been in love .... sow hen I write about romance it's just what I image I'd feel (well not REAL love anyway, elementary school love and fangirly love sure .... you know whatI mean)
Pi's hair is fucked up. So much of a man's look depends on his hair style. When will you learn Pi?
And I'm not sure if it's a good thing to fall in love or not. I want to believe it's a good thing, but beneath the beatuiful surface, there's a lot of tragedy and really really dark feelings. And even though we all know that, we can't help but to fall head over heels.
Hair comment: He'll never learn. BUT!! I do think the Kurosagi hairdo was equally fucked up. The way his bangs covered half side of his face really bothered me, it looked kinda sloppy and unkept to me.
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