Feather 9 - Special Milk

Aug 20, 2011 17:56

[So the milk arrived in the morning as it always did, and this time, it was Nall's turn to drink it. It went down easy, didn't taste any different than milk normally does. Maybe he got lucky and chanced to drink some every day, ordinary milk?



[Hey guys, try not to take offense when the sight of you makes Nall jump and cry out.]

[Action - Around Town]

[Nall is constantly moving around today, not staying in one place for very long. He's trying to avoid eye contact, keeping his head down,. He's purposefully not trying to look at anyone, muttering indestinctly under his breath. It's hard to make out exactly what he's saying, but if you've got really good hearing, you might overhear the word "please" reiterated often.]

!event: cream of the cop

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