Feather 7

Jun 09, 2011 01:38

Well, Nall ended up dying again and it doesn’t make him a very happy not!kitty. This last time was definitely the worst and it’s left him unsettled. If this had been a test of the people of Mayfield… then the town would have failed, morally speakiing. And that leaves him sad, deeply.

He spent some time sulking about his house until the mail came. Spotting a package addressed to him, Nall shreds the package and finds his human clothing from back home.

Nall feels as if this is a gift from someone he cared about ages ago reaching out to him. It brings his memories of Luna and Alex and his friends closer to mind, and while it doesn’t particularly make him feel better, it does help settle him a bit. He remembers when he first gained the ability to change his shape to resemble a human’s…. How his friends heaped him with praise and helped him decide what clothing best suited him. Kyle said it best when he noted that Nall was a bit of a punk and should dress accordingly. Heh… Kyle never was one to mince words. But then again, he wasn’t an idiot either…

One human transformation and a few minutes later, Nall is back in his own clothing. He’s still missing Althena’s Sword, but he feels a bit more like himself being back in his own clothing. He looks in the mirror and after a long pause, sighs.

Guys… I wish I could talk to you. You’d tell me what I need to do…
[Phone, filtered to Tarvek]
Hey, Tarvek… don’t suppose you’ve got any of that scotch left?

[Action, later]
[Nall can be found chilling in the park in the afternoon. He’s lying flat on his back, watching the clouds, singing a little song to himself. While his human voice isn’t half bad, please feel free to interrupt him.]
~When I was alone as one,
My heart was as ice, so cold,
Wind whispering sweet melody,
I couldn’t behold~

*tarvek, *gilbert

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