[Private/Moderately Hackable]
So… you both went home. That’s… good. Being here means being ripped away from your families and people who care about you. If I had a chance to go back to Burg… I’d take it. No doubt about it. I guess that makes you the lucky ones. Now I need to figure out how to head home as well…
Take care, you two. We’ll miss you.
Ya know… I know a lot of people are unhappy about this… I don't think this is so bad. I'm kind of having fun. It's like a big camping trip that no one expected. Would be better if we could have planned ahead, but I don’t think we’re doing too bad for ourselves. I mean, no one’s died or starved yet.
Just keeping doing what you’re doing, everyone. Everyone lends a hand and we’ll get through this. It’ll be over soon, I’m sure.
[Filtered to Kurai]
Hey, how are you holdin’ up?
((OOC: Nall’s throwing himself into his work to help cope with Jr. and Terra’s departure. During the day you can find him fishing and helping out with random tasks. He’ll be changing forms come mealtime and evening, as he feels his stomach is smaller in his kitty!form, leaving more food to go around, and because he finds sleeping outdoors more comfortable in his smaller shape. People unfamiliar with his… situation can feel free to take note of the "kitty" and/or wonder why precious food is being given to an “animal.”
Also, Kurai-mun, I know we just got to the end of the flying contest, but given that it was held a month ago, the marker Kurai'd use to mark Nall's face has washed off by now. Feel free to assume that he went around looking like
this or
this for a couple of days.))