somehow, it feels like farewell

May 26, 2010 23:49

Today I bid farewell to two things very dear to me: my desktop computer and trivialaffair.

In a sense it's not entirely farewell, since the desktop computer can be fixed (at least, I am in great hopes that it can be fixed) and triv will come online again (at least, I am in great hopes that she will, considering how fail she is in correspondence), but I feel sad anyway :|

My computer was not supposed to bid farewell to me. It was working fine this morning. And then, in the middle of a Youtube video, it froze and made this sad, grinding noise. I attempted to restart it, whereupon it started to wail, and it didn't stop wailing until I turned off the power switch. It continues to wail whenever I try to turn it on :| I appreciate its grief at parting with me, but really. Stop your stupid wailing and just work already D:

As for's been a wonderful five months and whether you read this or not, I've had the greatest of times hanging out with you and talking about a thousand irrelevant things and pitying the crotch cameraman and admiring mountain ranges and getting depressed over fic and coming up with insane trailer ideas and failing at watching DBSK together. If I go to Buffalo, you are under obligation to see me at least once. You and ky_rin. Why do you both love me and leave me? I feel so abandoned now D:

I have nothing else more constructive to say except that HyukChul is beautiful together, I could ship them based simply on how pretty they are, and, um, Crystal deserves to win American Idol.

triv is untrivial to me, so i do stan hyukchul, hand-holding anmi, random talk

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