
May 12, 2015 20:47

everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going;
yeah we're going down
Hello :) I'm Gem, and this journal is 40% personal life and 60% fangirl flail over Super Junior, general k-pop, NEWS, and the occasional JE / j-pop. My fandom-related posts will mostly be public, while personal will be under lock and key (I am paranoid, yes). I have biases and they tend to show, but I try to be objective. Really. It's not my fault if it doesn't work out. Life is hard like that :|

If all this sounds like your cup of tea, please read the below.

Friending policy: I am currently friending only those whom I've met before in previous interactions. If we've never interacted before or I don't know who you are, then chances are I won't add you back unless I know you better, because I'm not entirely comfortable with strangers reading about my personal life. Feel free to add me if you want though, since this journal is semi-public, and I'd love to get to know you better :D

In summary, talk to me a bit and I'll most likely adore you and we'll be great friends :D

Currently not friending because I really don't have the time anymore to be a good lj friend D:
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