shige/sooyoung would be awesome.

Oct 20, 2010 16:12

Is NEWS going to be on Music Station this week? If so, they'll be appearing alongside SNSD? THAT MEANS SNSD+NEWS IN THE SAME BROADCAST? Okay, come on, who doesn't want to see NEWS cosying up to the girls ;) Imagine the collective amazingness of Shige/Sooyoung and Ryo/Jessica and Yamapi/Yoona and Tegoshi/Tiffany and Massu/Sunny. And yes, do want NEWS dancing a portion of Gee, way better than Mister.

Ryo, for one, would totally want to tap this.


On the note of SNSD, how fucking gorgeous is their latest concept? I thought SM was beginning to scrabble the bottom of the well with the barely-there concepts of Bonamana and Lucifer, but they really pulled out all the stops for the girls' retro-classy look.

And since I'm talking about girls, have four of the best girls in k-pop.

image Click to view

Why 2NE1 pwns like no other (unless it's Gain, because I'm biased like that).

coherent news, fandom rambling

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