Event: WILD INK, a Boston Comics Roundtable fundraiser! August 20 at P.A.'s Lounge

Aug 10, 2009 22:44

Come and support your local cartoonists!

My comics group, Boston Comics Roundtable, is hosting a fundraiser to benefit the fourth issue of our comics anthology, Inbound. This issue will be devoted to Boston history stories, and I'm excited as hell about it.

The fundraiser is on Thursday, August 20, at P.A.'s Lounge in Somerville, MA, and will include caricatures, sketch battles, raffle prizes, and live music from the band Rotary.

The event starts at 9pm (doors open at 8), tickets are $12 at the door. Come have a drink with us, enjoy music and cartoons, and hang out with the comics crowd!

[ press release with full details ]
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