Rating: PG
Category: Drabble
Era: Hogwarts, HBP
Main Characters: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson
Ship(s): none
Keywords: thin
Summary: Draco is on a mission, and Pansy worries.
Author's notes: Prompt no 25 - thin of the 50.3 set of the
100quills. Thank you,
waterbird, for the patient beta and for all your helpful input to this drabble. As always, all remaining
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Comments 15
Poor Pansy doesn't stand a chance against Draco's fear for his family.
I really, really like this.
Argh, I have no words.
Thank you so much! *hugs*
As you've noticed, I didn't chose the clock imagery. But I had to think it through. Thank you again for all your patience. Du bist ein Schatz!
It's such a pleasure to share this whole process of writing and editing with you!
I'm so glad that the story moved your heart. &hearts
Thank you! *hugs*
Am I guessing correctly that you are referring to the time that Draco tries to repair the vanishing cabinet?
You said you didn't use the clock imagery, but I felt you did. The arm coming closer, but couldn't stop time. I know "hand" is for clocks, but the image forced itself in nevertheless.
I can't see Pansy that genuinely worried, the old bitch *grins* Neither would I think of her as Draco's "friend" in HBP. But it's nice to see her in a "human" shape.
What is it he's doing "again"? Worrying his sleeves?
Yep, this is about Draco trying to repair the Vanishing Cabinet.
I had another clock imagery, a much stronger one. I'm so glad that the wording I used still created this image for you! *dances*
But it's nice to see her in a "human" shape.
It's that we never see the Slytherins from another perspective than Harry's, which makes it so difficult to see them as humans. But I'm convinced that Slytherins have friends as well, and not just minions.
Draco's just sitting there, lost in thoughts, not eating. Pansy touches his sleeve, because she wants to emphasise how thin he is. And she touches his wrist, because she wants to actually hug him, which she doesn't dare to do. She wants to take care of him, but all she can do is ask him to eat a little bit. It's this feeling of being totally helpless when a friend suffers which is the core of this drabble.
Other than that you captured the mood smoothly (as always).
I am sure Slytherins have friends. It's jsut that Pansy in HBP seems more like she's with Draco because it raises her status and her self esteem than because of love or likeing. Maybe it's just Harry's perception again. It seems fitting, though.
It seems fitting, though.
Like "fitting that she would be with Draco because of selfish reasons"? Aren't we always together with someone because we get something out of it? Even love or liking is "getting something out of it". Yes, I know, it's considered to be on a higher moral level than the social status stuff. ;-)
I guess we really cannot say much about her motivation because, like with all Slytherins, we never see her genuine actions. It's all filtered by Harry's perception. Why wouldn't she like Draco? Even if she is happy with his social status, she could still like him. These things are not mutually exclusive. :-)
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