Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions of physical, mental and sexual child abuse. There is nothing pretty about it; and if you have the slightest doubts whether you want to read it or not, please stay away! There are also graphic descriptions of dying and wanking.
Chapter 2 - How to Form a Friendship )
Lucius, on the other hand, rightly guesses the question and even answers - "I discipline him if necessary. This is not a question of what I like".
The little box - it simply contained the needles and wool to repair a cloak the Muggle way. Severus burned it, because he no longer needed it. He mastered the Reparo spell all alone.
Severus was referring to James, who used the Leviocorpus spell on him (Snape's worst memory in the GoF book). He has every reason to mistrust the Potters. And as the future will tell, neither will the Malfoys be safe from Sectumsempra - Lucius is so deeply mistaken! *is evil*
It's wonderful to hear that the friendship between Severus and Lucius worked so well for you. You are right, it is complex. There was Lucius initial self-serving interest, but also his compassion about Severus coming from a loveless or even abusive home himself. Whereas Severus develops his own ways to care for Lucius and when they are adults, they really see eye to eye.
I have ideas for a sequel to this story, which will explore their friendship in the last two books. I'm really looking forward to write more about the Malfoys and Severus from that particular perspective, even if it takes me another two years to finish. :-)
I prefer myself Draco and second the Malfoys but I'm thrilled to see how you explore the friendships of Lucius Malfoy...
Oh, okay, now I understand - I'm sometimes a little slow on the uptake in english. *smiles*
Do you think Lucius and Severus have a lot of things in common?
Ich mag Draco auch am liebsten. *cuddles him* Aber nach über zwei Jahren Beschäftigung mit Lucius hat mein Bild von ihm eine faszinierende Wandlung durchlebt. Ich sehe ihn immer noch als einen arroganten Mistkerl mit allen möglichen Vorurteilen. Aber er ist ein Mistkerl, der seine Familie liebt und alles für sie tun würde. Ich habe hier ein deutsches Drabble mit Lucius/Narcissa (tag "german" bringt Dich schnell hin, falls Du es lesen magst), das spielt nach dem Krieg und ich habe es mit dem Gedanken an die beiden aus Family Rules geschrieben.
Do Severus and Lucius have a lot in common? Well, they share a past and they deeply care for each other, and that's something, isn't it? They share certain beliefs, even though I think that Severus, even as a spy, is able to chose among his actions more freely than Lucius, who is bound very much by tradition. It's an essential part of their friendship that one can keep secrets from the other and that they don't have to share everything. I don't think that they share a cultural background. Severus, much like Harry, had to actively learn about the wizarding world whereas Lucius and Draco simply grew up in it. So Lucius takes things for granted and never questions certain beliefs.
Ich wusste nicht, dass man "second" nicht so einfach verwenden kann - ab jetzt benutze ich wieder "favour" oder "prefer". Danke! ^^
Lucius Malfoy ist auch sehr spannend - er ist ja sein Vater. *lach*
Nein, aber du hast mich sozusagen auf den Geschmack von Lucius-Storys gebracht...
What Lucius and Severus have in common: interesting to see your opinion to it - it's nearly the mine.
I would also say they have this bitterness in common.
But Lucius seems more to be able to hide it because of his education...
Uff. Ich liebe Englisch, aber ich kann es nur ganz schlecht erklären. Ich hatte in der Schule einen Engländer als Englischlehrer, der legte viel Wert auf intuitivem Verstehen der Sprache. Das heißt, ich mache ganz viele Sachen aus dem Gefühl und habe null Ahnung, was ich da eigentlich mache bzw. wie die Regeln dafür lauten. Damit quäle ich dann meine Betas. Die ich wirklich nie genug loben kann, weil sie einfach klasse sind und so viel sehen und erklären und - *loves them*
du hast mich sozusagen auf den Geschmack von Lucius-Storys gebracht...
Whee! Ich glaube, ich habe mich selbst auf den Geschmack gebracht. Denn vor Family Rules konnte ich Lucius nicht sehr gut leiden. Mittlerweile finde ich ihn einfach sehr spannend - auch wenn ich immer noch Dracos Fangirl bin.
You make an interesting point about both of them being bitter. I'm not sure if I agree. Severus, of course, is a bitter man. But Lucius is so very much concentrated on survival, he never gives up - a streak I absolutely admire. And he has more people he loves and gets love from, whereas Severus, who is so very bitter about Lilly and James, has just the Malfoys to love.
Lucius is Severus' only friend, but he cannot even trust him completely, because he works as a spy for Dumbledore. Severus is a character who is much more used and manipulated by others than Lucius. In his whole life as an adult, he is never loved like Lucius is loved by Narcissa and Draco. Severus, in the end, is the epitome of loneliness, and the only companion of his death, Harry, serves as a reminder of the phantom of Severus' love for Lilly - a love that has never been returned in a romantic way.
So, no, I don't think that they are equally bitter. I think that Lucius still struggles with his past, but he hasn't given up. Severus, on the other hand, believes himself to be canon-fodder. His only reason to live is a love that was never romantically returned in the beginning. A love that is tainted by the hate he feels for James Potter. He isn't able to see past his hate and see Harry for what he is. That's bitterness for me. So, in the end, I feel much more sorry for Severus than for Lucius, because his life seems so much more wasted.
Ah - now I have to write a Severus-centric story! *wails in despair* Go away, plot-bunny, shoo, shoo!
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