Dec 03, 2008 17:59

Just felt like having an LJ. More active on deviantART; will post more when HW is not eating me.

.....Wow, that sounded wrong.

I'm mostly a dA-er, but got an LJ just for kicks. I like KH, the Mortal Instruments series, and other stuff. My two friends on here are artists I admire on dA, hehe.
Sort of doing a gateway-cosplay (like a gateway drug XDDDD) for a school project...Penelope from the Odyssey, Book XVII. The whole project should be interesting--we're doing a newscast with added art and a 'breaking news' skit, which is where I come in. I'm doing half the drawing, writing the script, playing the reporter-on-the-scene, and playing Penelope. Fun, eh?
I'll post some drawings eventually.
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