Geocaching Vent

May 29, 2012 15:08

So I have to vent on here now since half of my friends on Facebook are my Geocaching buddies...

So one of the local geocachers with who is a major stuck up bitch that likes no one but herself (unless it suits her own needs) called me early this morning. She was looking for a cache on her own that I was first to find on a couple of months ago. She was going crazy trying to find it because she got the coordinates wrong. So after I was kind enough to giver her the right ones, she called me STILL having problems trying to find it. She wanted me to come out there and help.

First of all, she was NOT offering to come get me, she expected me to drive out there. 2) It was an area you needed a high clearance 4WD and she knows I have a Hyundai Sonata which is neither high clearance OR 4WD and 3) Tom has the car during the week unless it's prearranged that I need it.

I told her that wasn't possible and tried telling her a million times where it was, KNOWING she was in the wrong cave. I even sent her pictures we had taken. Finally she called me an hour later saying "Oh it was in the cave in the pictures, not the one I was in." Duh! This was the pic I sent her.

Ok it's not really a cave, but that's what we call it. The other one, you had to be Frankie sized (or tall and thin) to access.

She then wanted to know as much info I could give her about another cache hidden by the same group that hid the one above, but that after more than an hour, the group I was with was unsuccessful in finding and as a matter of fact, it wasn't found until 2 weeks ago (2 1/2 months after it was hidden). I reminded her that I hadn't found it and she said she might hold off on it until there was a day I could go with her.

Now as much as that would bother me, since the only time she talks to me is when she needs help, I was cool since I figured she'd be better than the group I was with when we went to find it.

So she called me 15 minutes ago, saying she was gonna go ahead and go after it and did I want to. I reminded her Frankie was home from preschool already and I couldn't. She went "Drop him off at a neighbors, he won't care."

Yeah, that's not gonna happen!

So she asked about my schedule for the next few days, and I reminded her (for the millionth time) that I can only go on Weekends or Tuesday - Friday mornings while Frankie's at preschool. She then started talking about her, Kim, Bill W, Bill D and Tammy (other local cachers I go out with a lot) we're heading out tomorrow to find some new ones and that she couldn't go with me then. She could do it Thursday but she had to be home by 9am... I reminded her Frankie doesn't go to school until then and she said "Can't Tom stay home until he leaves?"  REALLY? Just because you stay at home living off your dead daughter's life insurance and your ex-husbands ridiculous amount of spousal support, doesn't mean everyone can have such accommodating schedules or lives!

She finally said "Well I guess since you can't work around my schedule, I'll just go with the gang tomorrow without you!"

1) Fine!
2) That would fit perfectly into my schedule of when I can go.
3) Did you ever think of asking me if I could go tomorrow? Especially considering almost all but one of the above mentioned people prefer my company over her!
4) I hope you go into a crevice where there was a snake den and don't come out alive!

Ok my ranting is done for now... God I miss LiveJournal!


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