EPIC Fail!

Oct 06, 2011 15:32

So a friend of mine from High School who lives in Brazil (she was an exchange student), posted as her status today "I don't see why everyone is making a big deal over Steve Jobs death. I for one have NEVER used an Apple product and NEVER will."

I had to call BS on her. Her profile pic shows her sitting next to her computer where you can see the screen.  So this is the following conversation:

Me: "Are you sure you've never used an Apple product? Because I seriously doubt that."
Her: "I'm sure. Why?"
Me: "What's showing on your monitor?"
Her: "My music player."
Me: "Which is?"
Her: "iTunes but that's not... Oh shit!"

As someone who's Bi-Platformal but prefers Macs, I took the death hard. I woke up this morning thinking "Is this how my parents felt when Kennedy was killed?"  I saw a pic of Jobs taken a few days after he stepped down as CEO and thought "My God. I've seen AIDS patients on their death bed who looked healthier than he does."

I remember how bad Apple because during those few years Jobs was not there. I will be surprised if Apple is still in business 5 years from now.

Some of the best jokes I've heard so far (because that's how I deal with things like this) are:

As Steve Jobs arrives at the pearly gates St. Peter looks up from his iPad and says, "Mr. Jobs I've been expecting you, it is such an honor."
"Is this... heaven?"
"It certainly is, here let me get the gate..."
St. Peter is interrupted by his iPhone ringing.
"Hello. Jesus?"
... Steve Jobs asks, "What's wrong?"
St. Peter with hand over phone, "Nothing it's Jesus, on the phone, hold on." Back on the phone, "Yeah, I was about to let him in. Your dad says what? But it's Steve Jobs, why would he do that? Oh, yes I see, His will be done." St. Peter hangs up the phone.
Steve Jobs asks, "Is there a problem? Am I going to hell?"
St. Peter says, "It's not good, but it's not hell... purgatory by order of the Big Man himself."
"But why? You were about to open the gates! How long must I stay in purgatory?"
"He said until his iPhone supports flash."

Steve Jobs family is going to have a hard time finding a church without Windows

Steve Jobs was a Buddhist that believes in reincarnation. With his luck, he'll come back as a Windows Start Up Disc

life, fail, celebrity deaths

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