Mar 06, 2011 18:40
I'm majorly PMSing which before I found out about the diabetes meant eating a lot and usually NOT good food! But I'm having to refrain and eat healthy snacks... God what I wouldn't give for a chocolate bar right now!
I've actually been doing pretty good with my Blood Sugar Levels. The UTI is almost gone so my BSL aren't as high as a normal diabetic... So I'm allowing myself a Caffiene Free soda with my meals (Went from 7-8 a day to 2-3). Sorry, I tried every diet drink out there, but I just can't handle it! So I'm living of G2 and Hawiaan Punch Light.
I also signed up for NutriSystem on Friday. My goal is to loose 50 lbs and imagine my shock that when I got on the scale Friday to enter my starting weight, I had already lost 7 pounds from my ER trip the week before.
The insulin is really messing with me though. After talking to my new doc, we decided I should take 1/2 a pill before each meal if needed, unless I plan on having a huge splurge on carbs (which she gave me permission to do on occassion, which was great). But even so, it usually makes my stomach hurt not to mention the weird noises it's been making. It's also still giving me the runs, which I'm sure is helping with the weight loss!
It also makes me feel loopy and weird and not in a good way. I woke up form a nap on Thursday only to feel like I was still asleep and in a weird dream. I checked my blood sugar since that's usually a sign it's low, but it was a little high. But as soon as I had some food, instead of feeling better, I was tired again. We called the doc and she said it's jsut a side effect, and probably a reaction with the antibiotic and to give it a few more days. They may change me to something else insulin wise, which I will only do if I can get it in pill form. The finger pricks are bad enough!
But man checking the labels on foods are really driving me nuts now! One of Frankie's 6.75 ounce juice boxes with 100% real Fruit juice has almost as many carbs as a 12 ounce coke, but less carbs than a juice box with only 10% real Fruit Juice! I did find these popsicles that have real fruit in them and are only 9 carbs each depending on the flavor. My Rocket Pops only have 7 carbs, but they're smaller than the ones I used to get from the ice cream man... Oh well, I just have to deal with it! The company makes Sugar Free in both varieties, but our stores here don't carry them :(
On the brighter side, the story I wrote with Kam is now up at the Ranch... Go read it! Comment! Kam wants to know what people think!
weight loss,
the young riders,