Word Count...

Nov 09, 2010 19:17

First off, my artist has agreed to do the cover... I know you'll love it and why? Because I asked the wonderful and talented lalaith_paola ! I can't wait to see what she comes up with!

Second off, here's the word count:

Third off, I still need a title for the one story. I'm posting it below, hoping someone can PLEASE help me.

Here are some examples of other titles:

Westley and the 3 Musketeers
(After walking the plank for the fifth time, an uneducated stable hands, fights a candy bar in a dark alley.)

Bobble Bobble the Kite Flyers Squabble
(While driving to a bobblehead factory, a team of professional kite fliers, find a top-secret file in a sock drawer.)

The Time Traveler in Chief
(In a world without clowns, a presidential candidate, buys a time machine at an auction.)

The Escapades and Ice Capades of the Littlest Ninja
(After robbing a bank, a wimpy ninja, tries to break into figure skating.)
Also the one I asked Paola to do the cover image from

Where Would Brian Boitano Skate?
(In a boot camp for figure skaters, a group of singing scientists, embark on a magical trip to Pittsburgh and finds a robot with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD))

Black Hole Yum
(In the galaxy Neoboticlature, …a boy with bricks for feet, chances upon a vortex in a refrigerator.)

Let’s Twist Again Like We Did Next Summer
(After running away from home, a belly dancer from the future, overcomes the laws of physics.)

And now here's the story:

While falling from a covered bridge … a video game junkie … takes over a police station.

“I hate live action role playing days,” Woody Rice complained into his headset microphone.

“You and me both,” his cousin Hunter agreed. “But the power is out at home and there was nothing to do. I was getting bored just sitting around the dark house.”

“But LARPing? That’s worse than sitting around all day playing video games like we do.”

“Stop complaining and tell me when you find a Thunder Gundam.”

“What are those again?”

Hunter sighed in irritation. “We play Land of Vega all the time!”

“I don’t know the creature names or what they look like, just how to kill them!”

“They’re mobile fighters that uses the Rosetta Strike and the Jupiter Challenge that adsorbs the life force of all that get near it.”

“What does it look like?”

“It’s a gigantic elephant created by pollution that protects its territory.”

“And it’s different from a Armored and Phoenix Gundams?”

“Yes,” Hunter snapped, frustrated. “I explained all of this already. They’re all elephants like monsters that protect their territory. But the Armored one is enormous spike-covered elephant that is armed with the Web Siege Bite and wields some of the heaviest weapons known and can drain enemies' power by adsorbing the life force of all that get near it. It existed before humanity. It protects its mysterious life source. The Phoenix Gundam is an enormous great-winged elephant of crystal that moves swiftly and can change into a boat-form to employs the Flying Marianas Dive.”

“Next time, I’m picking the activity,” Woody said under his breath. “Why did my best friend have to be a video game junkie and make everything into a game?”

Both sixteen years old, Hunter and Woody had been close cousins and best friends since they were babies. Woody has round eyes the color of blue tropical waters and his luxurious, curly, white hair is very short and is worn in a business like style. Like his cousin, he is short and has a thin build with chocolate-brown colored skin. His wardrobe is often unconventional and unusual, with a mostly blue color scheme. Hunter, has beady green eyes that are like two pools of stagnant water and his entire head is bald, with the exception of a thin mustache but he used to have silky, curly, red hair. He has delicate ears and long-fingered hands which he uses to his advantage spending all day in front of his favorite gaming system or playing a game online on his computer. Because he does not often go out, his wardrobe is mysterious, with a completely black and yellow color scheme.

Several miles away, a 911 operator had been listening to a strange conversation that was being played over her headset.

"Is this an emergency?" she kept repeating, but with no answer. The conversation she had been hearing was filled with static at times and the voices kept breaking in and out.

Jeanette Velazquez was a thirty two year old operator for the Clinton Police Department. The short, slender built woman with bushy eyebrows reminded people of a savvy alley cat with droopy blue eyes that are like two windows on the afternoon sky. Her luxurious, straight, medium-length hair is the color of coffee with cream, and is worn usually in a bun on top of her head, held in place with pencils.

“Captain Dodson,” she called out to her boss as he walked by. “We have a problem.”

Captain Stuart Dodson was a large man with a broad shoulder build and the Clinton Police Department Captain, He had cream colored skin with almond shaped coffee colored eyes. He was a bald man who used to have silky, straight, salt and pepper colored hair.

“What is is, Jeanette?” he asked as he approached the telecommunications station where she sat.

“I’m not sure, sir. I hear two voices that keep describing some weird things.”

“How weird?”

“Talking about finding elephants and shooting them,” she answered.

“Did the elephants escape from the zoo?”

Jeanette shrugged. “I’m not sure. They won’t respond back when I ask questions and they keep breaking in and out.”

The captain looked at the information on her computer screen. “Do you have a location from the calls?”

“No sir.”

“Just keep listening then and see if you can get a location or see if they respond back to you. Since the power is out on that side of town, they may not be able to respond on their headsets this far away.”

“Yes sir.”

"I haven't found any Gundams, armored or otherwise," Woody said over the headset. "Maybe I should look somewhere else? What about at the river?"

Hunter shook his head. "Already on my way there. Gonna stand on top of Old Man's Bridge to see better."

"You know you're not supposed to climb up there. If someone catches you, you'll get in trouble."

"Who cares? Who's gonna catch me? The police? They have better things to do. The donut shop is holding a two for one sale today."

Woody chuckled at Hunter's comment. There was very little crime in the small town of Clinton, and most of the day, the police were often found drinking coffee and eating donuts while talking to each other of how they wished things were more exciting.

"Well then I'm heading to the station then. Maybe I can see what other people are finding and where. I'm getting bored just walking around carrying this high powered wooden gun around everywhere."

"It's the best weapon since most of the creatures consume or can destroy metal," Hunter reminded him. "Just like in the video game. Besides, if people were finding the gundams, they'd most likely be where they saw them since their energy has been consumed."

"Well that's another thing. I'm getting low on energy. So I'll refill at the station while I'm there."

"Whatever," Hunter said as he reached the bridge. "I told you before we started to stock up on supplies."

"I didn't have enough gold! I had to rob several other players to get enough."

"Good job," Hunter said proudly. "I told you that you'd get the hang of the game sooner or later."

"If I don't hear from you saying you need help, I'll meet you back at the station."

Hunter heard the click signaling that his cousin had switched his headset to listen mode only and began climbing the rackety wooden bridge.

“Captain Dodson!” Jeanette called out as she ran towards his office. “We have a problem.”

“What is it?” he asked concerned, coming out of his office.

“They’re not with the zoo. One of them robbed several people because he couldn’t find any of the elephants. He’s heading here to the station now.”

“And the other?”

“He’s climbing Old Man’s Covered Bridge so he can see better.”

Captain Dodson sighed. “What are they up to? Do they have any weapons?”

“The one coming here has a high powered rifle,” she answered. “I don’t know about the other guy.”

“Call everyone back to the station and tell them to get here as soon as possible. But no lights or sirens. We don’t want to tip these guys off that we’re on to them.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked curiously as he began putting on his bullet proof vest.

“I’m heading out to the bridge in an unmarked car. Don’t want to scare him off before I get the change to get him.”

Jeanette hurried back to her station and did as she was told. Since she did not have a description of either of the voices other than they were male, she was unable to tell the other officers what to be on the lookout for. She told them all to use extreme caution when approaching since the one could be coming by vehicle or by foot.

Hunter sat a top of the covered bridge looking out over the river thinking that maybe Woody was right. It was getting late and it had been to quiet since they had stopped talking over the headsets. He had decided to wait and give it a few more minutes before heading towards the home base station when he was startled to see a car heading towards the bridge.

The bridge was so old and weathered, no one dared to drive over it anymore. He watched as the car began to slow down as it started to drive into the bridge. He held on as the vibrations shook him causing him to loose his balance.

“Come down here son,” Captain Dodson called out in a calm voice from underneath the cover. “You’re not supposed to be up there.”

“But I’m up here hunting,” he answered, assuming it was another LARP member.

“But it’s not hunting season. Now get down here this instant!”

Thinking it was another LARPer trying to rob him, Hunter shook his head. “No thanks. I’m keeping the gold I stole safe up here with me.”

“Throw your weapon down and come down immediately!” Captain Dodson yelled.

“Come and get me,” Hunter taunted.

Captain Dodson turned and got back into his car, planning on driving closer to where he could see the suspect. As the car began to move again, Hunter lost his balance and began sliding down the bridge roof.

Seeing the young man falling, Captain Dodson stopped the car immediately and ran to the railing and watched helplessly as Hunter fell into the shallow water.

When Hunter had regained his senses after falling into the cold water, he looked up and groaned. He realized he was in serious trouble when he saw the police captain staring down at him with an angry look on his face.

“Well,” he started. “I guess what happens in Vega doesn’t stay in Vega.”

And finally, you know those plot bunnies we all try to get rid of, but they just sit in the corner waiting for you to write them... Well this is what they'll eventually look like!

bunnies, not your average bedtime stories, nanowrimo

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