Good Deed for the Day...

Sep 28, 2010 10:43

So Sunday at Frankie's party, we realized as we were cleaning up, his girlfriend Sierra had left her Dora the Explorer cup. I didn't have her phone number so I couldn't call to let her mom know.

So today when I took Frankie to his preschool birthday party, I saw Sierra sitting at the table all sad. Conversation went like this:

Me: Sierra, are you missing something.
Sierra sadly nods
Danielle (one of Frankie's teachers): Don't tease her, she's been really upset the past few days.
Me: Why?
Danielle: She lost her favorite cup she got when she went and saw the Dora show in LA.
Me (opens bag): Is this what you're missing, Sierra?
Sierra: YES!!!!!!! (runs and gives me a big hug) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Me: You're welcome. (Sierra runs off and joins the rest of the kids)
Danielle: Where'd you find it? Her mom has been going crazy looking for it!
Me: They left it at the party.
Danielle: (grabs phone and calls to the DART office next door) Guess what Jen found?

I could hear Sierra's mom screaming happily in the background.  Apparently that was Sierra's thing in the whole world, and her mom didn't realize they had taken it to the party. Sierra had been seriously depressed since Sunday night and wouldn't eat or drink without the cup.

Had I known that, I would've called the preschool yesterday to let them tell Sierra's mom I had it. I had actually meant to, but totally forgot.

Glad I could make someone's day a little brighter!

That's Sierra next to Frankie with her cup. Poor Frankie doesn't look happy. He's still not feeling good and wouldn't even eat his Toy Story cookies daddy stayed up late and woke up early to make!

frankie, preschool

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