So, three more years of lying, smug, arrogant, hypocritical thugs and bullies.
If there's one thing that comes out of this, it's that Queensland needs to be sawn off the continent, towed out to sea and sunk. Sure, the Great Barrier Reef would be a loss, but those idiots are going to kill it anyway, so...
Morrison (who tried to claim credit for the
Same Sex Postal Vote that he abstained from voting in) has been rewarded for
lying and
lying and
lying and
lying about who is lying. And on Insiders this morning, Frydenberg is still lying.
Dutton got back in. Christensen got back in with an increased margin. Abbott got the arse, at least. One bright light in a morass of despair.
Well, two lights. As bad as these results are for civil society in Australia, at least we can be sure that Russians haven't directly edited the numbers (because everything is on paper), that we still have a functional Electoral Commission which hasn't been entirely suborned by the Regressive party, like the US has (*cough*gerrymandering*cough*).
But that's cold comfort when we see people returned to their seats in the House when they should have a seat reserved at the Hague. Dutton is still minister for the FatherHomeland. That's the thing that hurts the most.
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