Aug 01, 2006 20:07
I just had a big scare with that one dumbass class I was talking about in my last post. She said something about posting our final on blackboard last week (it being one of those that you do online) and I just remembered it a few minutes ago. I could've been so fucked, but according to the syllabus, it's not due till this coming Sunday at midnight. Christ, I hate this teacher. It was a real life version of that dream, where you've got some test and you either only just remember at the last minute or you're so late that you miss it completely. They never end happily for me and they stress me out pretty majorly.
I am a congenitally late person. This morning was just another one of those times that I was sitting here watching tv and playing on the computer completely knowledgeable of the time and the fact that I had to be at the doctor's office in Oakland in 15 minutes. Yet, I wasn't rushed to get up and do anything. What is wrong with me?
Are you guys dying of the heat too?