Half Blood Prince

Dec 23, 2009 10:03

What were your thoughts on this movie? We bought it sight unseen thinking it would be good considering that the book was pretty good--certainly better than Goblet of Fire which is the only other HP movie I don't own.

Unfortunately I didn't really like the movie. They rewrote some things inexplicably, and left huge gaping holes such that it makes no sense unless you've read the book. They also left out all the things that I really liked about the book, especially the burgeoning sexuality of the characters and the Tonks/Lupin love story! Both were there in the movie--just barely. Not nearly to the level I would have liked. Some scenes were good, but overall it should have been much better IMO.

Also, we don't have a HUGE TV...it's not small, but it's not large. And almost all the scenes were filmed from middle or far distance...very few close-ups. I actually got a headache attempting to make out facial expressions. Overall, the movie just felt very much like a half-assed effort all the way around. I hope the 7th one is better...I haven't read that one yet.

potter, moovies

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