(no subject)

Aug 11, 2009 12:50

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so my little siss does not like bowie.. i told her when she gets older she will..
what else happened i saw an old friend the other day and it sent my mind into a loop.. as of what to do and why the hell am i thinking of them in the first place odd really. im hungry but dont want to cook or eat anywhere.. what to do.. i dont want tacos, subs, burgers, pizza, or chicken
so what to doooooo

me and holly took out the potato gun and shot it off in the country last night, that was pretty fun, the last shot left are ears ringing and dogs barking everywhere in the entire world.

i did some painting over the weekend, once i get batterys for my camera i will put up some pics

im listening to swans right now... i wonder what you tube has

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