birds and the bees never smelled this sweet

May 12, 2005 20:41

it's summer time. thank fucking goddess. and ciaron needs to go travelling.....west, to the big trees and the ocean and the places not montreal, in attempts to remind myself that before I had cats, and leases, and furniture, and a partly-finished degree i used to do crazy things like hitchhike around and live with little money and hang out in the woods and sleep in vacant lots. whilst it may have gone royally pearshaped eventually, my life was pretty fabulous for a while there. Don't want to go back to those days, but a crazy travelling trip would be nice all the same. So i'm spending a month on the west coast dumpstering, hitching around and enjoying the fabulous scenery and even more fabulous people i know between San Francisco and Victoria. Really, i've been wanting to travel properly again for two years. this seems like the right time, when i have an amazing home to come back to in montreal.
going back west is going to be intense tho, because there's been so much crap that I still haven't let go of yet, because it seems to be a lengthy process. I might not even spend that much time in portland, because there's still too many ghosts. I do wanna hang out in the bay area a bit, catch up with friends, spend time in seattle and hopefully make a new friend and chill out in Victoria and hitch up island for a couple of days. really I just want some adventure.
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