
May 16, 2008 17:20

The day is winding down to a snail-type halt -if ever there was such a thing. I was pretty busy till about this last hour but the heat out is just making me sleepy. Everyone at work is all glued to their computers either looking for music or shopping. Would've been perfect if my comp had Photoshop then I could've worked on my Coachella and the rest of the posts I've been meaning to put up. I'm getting there though. Maybe next week I'll have at least Coachella up for you all to see.

My sister, Karen, came to visit. She flew in Thursday last week and it was nice to have her around. I've been away from my family for almost 2 years and while I do like the independence I do miss them. Familiarity may breed contempt, however, you don't realise how much you miss someone till you don't see them often. I got to take her around this time -last time she left early for Oregon. I also got to take her to Palm Springs to see my friends ♥

I'm a bit on edge again these days, and being pissy about everything. From being busy with my sister, I also have work, uni arrangements, car insurance bullshit and finals & projects due. My work at the Y is about to end because the program I'm at in school is about to end [sad about that one]. So I'll be back to full-time student status and will have to find work...for a rainy day/s.
This person that I like, I really really do like. But I don't know if it's just period mood swings or whatever but I'm not feeling so keen atm. All these thoughts of [self-]doubt -mostly from feeling insecure too- have been creeping up and I'm hating that I can't help it. I'm a cranky monkey, that's what it is :( Well, I still have my fingers crossed hoping no matter what things do work itself out with everything, somehow.

On prettier things, just like Joanna Goddard said, I also dream of living this catalogue life.
And I just turned in a project for my design class and it turned out pretty good actually...considering I only worked on it for 3 sessions [it's due next week!]. I procrastinate much, yes. My professor was pretty happy too. So, yay! It's a pdf of my trips to Vietnam and Sonoma, CA, which you can download here.

Oh, and that chartreuse cossie I've been dreaming of, looks much like the one on page 13.

I just hi-fived the cutest little toddler with chocolate fingers so I had to go wash my hands.
I must go as I'm off of work and I want to run -haven't done that in 3 weeks :(
Have a great weekend everyone!

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