A Prey Fic

May 02, 2008 12:45

I'm not sure about the protocol on this since so many people on my friends list are LOTR and this isn't LOTR, at all. It's a fic about an old TV show that was cancelled before it's time but I still think about the show from time to time. And now I've been bitten by the writing bug and thought I'd share some newer fics that I've written. I used to write alot in the old Prey fandom but it's been a couple years really so I think I can thank alot of the LOTR writers for giving me the desire to write again! Thanks to all of you.

Author: Laury, aka tilly@8, aka cats_meeeow
Fandom: Prey (TV series circa 1996)
Pairing: Tom and Sloan (het)
Rating: PG, angst
Warning: None
Timeline: Ep.13, after Sloan leaves to pick up serum for Tom. Prior to Ed giving Tom an exam & before black ops rush in.
Disclaimer: Tom and Sloan don't belong to me, I'm just borrowing them. There is no profit involved. This is only for the pleasure of revisiting PREY and its characters.



I know I'm reverting back to 1.6 and I'm guessing that the process will probably kill me.

No, Ed hasn't said anything, but he doesn't have to. It doesn't take my 1.6 senses to know it. I can tell. I can see it in his eyes.

So I have to tell you: it's okay. It's been worth it. I'm just so very sorry to leave you because I wanted to always be here to protect you and keep you safe.

So how do I thank you for these past few months? As always, I wish I had the words....Perhaps, while I'm still partially in my human state, I can try and express how I feel about you.

I wouldn't say it's poetry, but it is from my heart.

Quietly observing you, captivated by your grace and beauty.
Sifting my fingers through your gorgeous, auburn curls.
Sensing your heartbeat quicken, anticipating a kiss.
Molding your willing body to mine, tasting your sighs.
Drowning, immersed in the depths of your adoring hazel eyes.
Surrendering to your every touch, no longer lost.
Basking in your warmth and radiance, the shadows banished forever.

I want you to know that I've been looking at this picture of us. It's tattered and torn because I've kept it close and looked at it often. Keep it close to you now, Sloan, and know that I would have loved to have had a life with you as a 1.6 or a human or anything in-between.

Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for loving me.

I love you.




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