The Election

Nov 04, 2008 17:20

I'm sorry, but I've got to rant for just a moment. Please ignore this if you don't want to listen or read about my current political frustrations.....

I just have to get this out of my system. I'm very worried for our country right now. I know that previously people thought they were cheated out of their vote (when Bush won over Kerry) but I know what it's like to always be cheated out of my vote. I have voted Libertarian (except I did vote for Bush this last election) for the past 5 Presidential Elections and I have never seen my candidate win. I have had to live with defeat when my candidate didn't win and I think I did it gracefully. I had to suffer through 8 years of Clinton and his messed-up politics and, yet, I never got violent or screamed in someone's face about it. Maybe I should have. I just suffered through a person screaming at me for not voting Obama. I was stupid enough to answer an exit poll and answer it honestly. I felt in danger for my life. I was told I was a racist for Pete's sake! Just because I did not vote for a black man does not make me a racist. Anyhow, I don't like Obama or his Politics or his friends. I especially hate and despise Biden and would not have voted for Obama even if I did like his politics just because I can't stand Biden.

I don't like what's been going on in American Politics for some time. I know most of Congress is bought and paid for by lobbyists and who knows who else....I wish all of them were gone and all new faces were in...

Obama's politics are very much like socialist politics. That's bad for America and I worry about the next few years under his guidance. I don't like his view on International Affairs ( and I don't like his view on "sharing the wealth" or his taxes....I just know that with his poor taste in friends and political backers, America is in trouble. Time will tell, of course, but mark my words....Obama is not going to change America for the better.....

I wish I believed differently. Maybe I'm negative because I barely make more than minimum wage and that's taking care of Alzheimer's patients....People who do a lot of the decent, caring sort of work seem to not get rewarded in America (nurses, teachers, etc.) and that's too bad. I do not blame the government for this, however.

Healthcare is an issue I wish people weren't so emotional about. If everyone would think straight...they would realize we all want AFFORDABLE healthcare and this doesn't mean we need insurance out the wazzoo. We need things to be more like when I was a child and my parents could pay for Doctor visits and tests without going broke or having to file bankruptcy. Lawyers have helped cause medical expenses to go sky-high by sueing everyone and everything that moves. Lawsuits have caused medical expenses to grow out-of-control and that's what needs to change. Make healthcare AFFORDABLE again. Don't make everyone have insurance. Insurance and HMO's helped cause the healthcare problem.

I love my family....I love America...I don't have to love the next President. This doesn't make me a racist or a bad American. It just makes me sad that people don't understand that real change will only come from a real change of faces in Washington and, unfortunately, Obama isn't one of those....

Keeping the government out of our lives (as much as possible) is what America needs. Getting our troops out of foreign countries (that don't want us there) is what America needs. Not allowing Congress to put pork on every bill is what America needs. Making government smaller is what America needs. Every citizen voting in every election is what America needs. Every citizen thinking for themselves and not allowing the media to make their decisions for them is what America needs.

Loving ourselves as Americans is a great start. Americans have great heart and soul.

Career Politicians do not have any heart and/or soul. We need to put an end to politians being in office forever or until they get senile. WE need to make a real change in politics by cleaning house (and that doesn't mean just going from Republican to Democrat or vice-versa)....New politics and a fresh view is needed in Washington.

Wake up America. Change is not Obama or McCain. Clean house for real.

Thanks for letting me rant.

politics, ranting

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