May Wrap-up + June Goals #writwemotivation+ State License Exam

Jun 08, 2013 00:01

 Well, things are finally starting to take a turn for the better.  Technically, I have a job now, but there will be no pay until after the training period is done and I pass the State License Exam for Health and Life insurance.  This is not an easy thing to do.  My first try, with studying at night before bed, I failed it.  A 47 on one partand a 53 on the other.  I need a 70 minimum to pass.  Yeah, I did not do good at all. /le sigh
Do not fear!  The company I will be working with is coaching me and allowing me a quiet place to study and take notes until I re-take the exam next Friday.  I intend on passing this time and with any luck, a minimum of an 80 instead of a 70.

If the quiz I just took on the most important of it all, the statues, rules and regulations of insurance in OK, is any indication, I’ll do fine.  I missed three out of 15 questions.  One of them was a stupid on my part.  The amount of time the State Ins. Commissioner keeps advertisements on file is 4 years, not 3.  I got the time period mixed up with another one that is very similar.  Easily done, but I should have gotten it since I had just finished going through that section and took many notes about the marketing and sales section.

This also means I will be learning more about sales and marketing, too.  I should be able to apply what I learn from insurance to build sales on my book (soon to be books).

May’s Goals:

1) Get a job or at the very least attend five interviews for a job.

Three face-to-face interviews and one phone interview done.  One was for the agency I am studying for.  I consider this one done.

2) Edit/revise five chapters of Society of Night and Lies.

It wasn’t quite five chapters before I decided to stop and send off the first half of SoNL to the beta readers.  Still, it is done.

3) Write two chapters of Black Friday 2.

I never did get around to writing anything for this one.  Total Fail.  :(

4) Exercise twice a week.

Kind of did, but not each week.  I did manage one day per week.  I call it a good start.

All in all, I did accomplish a lot in May.  A portion was dedicated to studying for the failed exam which did hinder things a bit.  Thankfully, I did manage to find some kind of work.  Just have to jump through the hoops before I can start earning again.
June Goals:

1) Set SoNL aside until feedback from critiques and betas are in on the first half of the novel

Done, and well, done.  I already have some feedback in.  There’s going to be some revisions on the opening and what is going on so you see my MC as more than some depressed alcoholic daydreaming when she’s not.

2) Focus on Black Friday 2. Get at least two chapters written.

I won’t start on this until AFTER my exam date.  My primary focus needs to be on getting some income to support my writing.  I’ve a few ideas already on how to move the story along.

3) Keep up the job search. Four interviews minimum for the month of June

I think I can call this one complete.  I am feeling good about the exam and how well I’m handling the practice quizzes.  B’s are better than F’s any day of the week.  This one will be modified to pass the exam.

4) Exercise twice a week. (I mean it this time!)

With warm weather here, this one will be easy.  There’s going to be a lot of swimming and nature walks for me and Colin.

I’ve collected the writing prompts from the Writemotivation G+ community.  I’ll be posting them sometime this weekend here and in the group.  I am curious what you all thought of the prompts from last week.  My favorite was the prompt “Hush, little one, it’s going to be fine…”  It came out so sad.  Did you feel the emotion in that one?

Pray for me as I study my tail off this week.  I need all the help I can to pass this exam.

state insurance exam, studying, goals, job interview, black friday 2, #writemotivation, job search, society of night and lies

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