Black Friday Update #fiction #fantasy #amwriting #blackfriday

Feb 03, 2013 23:18

 I was supposed to get some writing done on Black Friday 2 and come up with a title other than Black Friday 2.  Sadly, that did not happen during the month of January.  There are good reasons why; such as a sick child, changes at work, and the fact that January in the pharmacy is extra busy with everyone’s insurance changing and resetting.  I was coming home to tired to concentrate on anything let alone edits and writing.
Nothing got done.  Period.

But, that leaves me with all of February to try and make some headway on this book.  I’m going to try, but Black Friday 2 isn’t at the top of the writing priority list.  I’ll try to get something written, but don’t count on it.  Karina and her trials and tribulations will have to take a back seat until the primary work in progress is ready.

Thinking about their current situation, there is plenty to write about.  They just found an abandoned resort to take shelter in.  The possibilities are endless on what can happen.  I’ve thought of several already then Karina will have to finish her training so she can start returning the balance to her people, both new and old therians.

Still, don’t expect me to have much to say until SoNL is ready for pitching and the query letter stage.  I still need beta readers and critique partners to find the spots I’ve missed. Leave a comment or email me at sabbath(dot)silverclaw{at} if you are interested.  I need at least ten in order to have enough eyes reading the manuscript.

Don’t forget to help Light of the World Church.  Purchase Black Friday and the royalties I make from the sales will go toward helping Light of the World Church help feed the needy and homeless.  Remember, the ones we help could be your family or friends.

writing progress, black friday2, help for the needy, light of the world christian fellowship, fantasy, black friday, fiction

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