… spending days away not writing anything except in my stories. >.< But then again, this time, there is the excuse of Christmas and all that stuff to distract me. So… am I excused this time?
New Year’s resolution: blog daily, as much as possible each day and having at least one of those blogs be something about the story line connected with it. Will I be able to keep this resolution? Doubtful, but I will give it the old college try.
Now THAT is an old adage. ;)
Since today is Tuesday, that means today’s topic is about Society of Night and Lies. Now, to be quite honest, I haven’t done any editing on this one since I moved out of my old place. Mostly because I couldn’t remember where I had put the manuscript. It has been found and is now waiting for me to go through and make those changes required to fix the grammar and, in some cases, spelling. At least the woman who did the editing likes this story and found it engaging while she worked through it on her time off.
I am still waiting for some information to use for the background of one of the characters from his creator, so there is some lag there. Jason Foxworth, rogue, and generally good guy in this book is lacking in some much needed background while Sabrina has given her story in places to help explain how she got there. What we need to know is what brought him there and maybe just a tiny bit for the antagonist. We need to know why he dislikes Sabrina so much he wants to remove her pretty head from her shoulders.
But, Dern’s back story will be just enough to explain a few things now. more will be given about him in the next story which will bridge the time between part one and part three. Part three will get a little more tense and a couple of surprises in store for Jason.
Not too long ago, I did some illustration type sketches to go with this novel. not the best, but they are only preliminary sketches at best to get the feel of the scene and the idea down to help work it out better. One such scene is where Sabrina is explaining to Jason what is going on and why she wants him to stay hidden. For the curious, the sketch is here,
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4368165/. It is just the two of them with Sabrina sitting on a chair and talking to Jason. Note, these are anthromorphs, not people. There is still a lot of work to be done on this picture; such as adding in background and making some corrections to their postures and faces.
That’s it for Society of Night and Lies this week.
On to more personal things.
The best gift I received this year for Christmas came from my sister. It wasn’t some little trinket, a book, or even clothes. Nothing so tangible as those things. What she gave me this year was a memory. It is a wonderful memory I will enjoy until old age tucks it away into some dark, forgotten recess in the back of my mind never to be seen again.
What did she give me, you ask? She took me, my mother, and niece to see The Christmas Carol done by local talents here in Tulsa at the Performing Art Center. It was a more light- hearted approach to the normally dark and depressing story of Scrooge and how he turned himself around with the help of three spirits.
Parts of the stage moved or turned so you could see the scenes indoors or out without having to move everything around constantly to keep up with the progressing story. They even made it look like so the old Victorian street lamps lit up when touched by the flame of the street lighter’s wand, there was snow falling for the outdoor scenes and fog for those mysterious scenes within the plot. It was all very well done.
The only sad part was it ended late and mom and I had to do some shopping afterwards which got us home even more late that night. At least it was all very well worth it in the end. I will giggle about some parts for a while; like when the ghosts threw some of Scrooge’s words back at him and the expressions he had for them. The Ghost of Christmas Present was the best one and very well made up in period clothing. He could have easily walked through a renascence fair without anyone saying a word.
It was simply fantastic. If anyone has a chance to get into Tulsa next year around Christmas time, I suggest you go see our rendition of this old classic. I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. On a scale of one to five, with five being the best, I give this a five for the acting, singing, and scenery. Definitely go see this when you can.
For those who want to know how my Christmas went, it went well. My little boy got the things he wanted most and a few extras he didn’t expect. Colin got the one game he had been wanting since he was in daycare last year and I was very lucky to find it. He also got a Wii and three games to go with it; Mario galaxy, Bass Pro’s Fishing Tournament, and Family Think (which is rather tough and makes you think hard but it is good). Saturday, we’ll be going to Wal-Mart to get Wii Sports so we can put the attachments to use and really get moving. Other things will come along later as money presents itself.
As for myself, I got a nice set of dishes, some cash, and a book to help with my writing. I couldn’t ask for better. Only thing which was better was enjoying a good meal with family. That’s what Christmas is all about, being with those you love.
Well, this is all for me tonight. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.