Dec 11, 2005 19:11
I have a tea set!!! It's pretty and blue, and Claire gave it to me for Christmas. ^^ I spent most of today with Katie and Claire, after sleeping in a lot. On Friday I went to Stephanie's Christmahanukwanzika party, but didn't learn how to spell it. Much fun was had, and everyone else has already posted about it so read theirs. XP Last night, I went to see Kelly's choreographer showcase dance thingy at Valencia, and it was awesome. Went with Dawn, Claire, and Hunter, saw Kelly's family, Jeff, and Dan there. For a while afterwards we looked for Dan's car key, finally finding it under his car. So lucky! Hunter, Dawn and I came back to the apartment after that, ordered some cheap pizza, and chilled. Then Dawn and I had a Buffy marathon (2nd season) to watch the last few episodes before we had to return them to the library today... definitely went to bed sometime after 4. At about 12 today, I woke up and then Claire called me so she and Katie could come visit. Dawn was here too, and we made a huge breakfast that was awesomeness in food form. Katie, Claire and I went to Oviedo Marketplace to do some quick Christmas shopping before they had to head to St. Pete. It was a lot of fun, and my Barnie's discount came in useful. They just headed out a few minutes ago, so I now need some food. Checked my grades, and only two are out but they're A's. Maybe I won't drop my GPA too badly with thermo after all. Might post again sometime before break is over. Noone will be here! Dawn's leaving tomorrow, and everyone else is mostly gone or going very soon. At least I still have Kelly, and maybe a few others who haven't told me they're staying. ^^ It will be an interesting time when I have the place to myself again. I was considering decorating it. Blinky.
*EDIT* Found it interesting that lj's spellchecker considers "thingy" a real word, yet has a problem with the much more popular "blinky."