Title: Broken beyond repair
catroofdance Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Rating: PG-17 Slash
"Before he can say a word the gunshot echoes through the room. Breaks clashing through the window, digs a hole into flesh."
Sherlock doesn't know how to care about people. But when Moriarty burns his heart and leaves it broken, Sherlock has to fight his clinical self to save John.
And then there is Sebastian Moran and his strange "relationship" with Moriarty: a dangerous addiction.
Warnings: Darkness, blood and torture, drug abuse, the whole Bakerstreet repertoire feat. MorMor kind-of-slash.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, of course, but I like them, that's why I write about them.
1. Fresh suture |
2. Eager puppeteer |
3. Heartbreak Hotel |
4. Bloodstained metronome 5. Dangerous addiction |
6. Broken glass |
7. Self-built prison |
8. Familiar trust 9. Golden shot |
10. Eternal silence |
11. Human being