Fanfic: Hide and Seek (Supernatural Dean/Cas) 5/?

Jan 19, 2011 19:04

Chapter 5 of Hide and Seek
Mature/R rating.
Warnings for language and some sexual concepts.
Spoilers through 5.22
Un beta'ed.
If I owned supernatural.... idek what I would do. But I don't, so.
Your comments and reviews make my life! I cry tears of joy every time. ;p

Chapter 5

Dean didn't sleep for very long after Castiel left. Even his sleeping mind was plagued with questions and worry. When he woke up the sun was just beginning to bleed into the room. He showered and made coffee and sat down at the table. He wanted to research the new dagger that Raphael used on Cas but didn't know where to begin. He sipped his coffee and flipped through the old volumes he and Sam owned.

He read through the factual and mythical weapons made by demons, used to kill demons, may have been used by a demon at one point… but nothing about killing angels. Dean felt as though this new weapon could not have been made by angels. Something about it not allowing an angel to heal felt demon like to Dean. Even though Dean had little faith in angels, he had even less faith in demons. Besides, only abominations would dare forge a weapon like that to be used against Cas.

Dean had gotten nowhere in his research before Sam woke up. Dean was flipping through a worn out book on demon lore that he had "borrowed" from Bobby when Sam sat up and stretched. Dean watched him over the top of his book. Cas didn't trust Sam because his soul was confusing. How can a soul be confusing? Cas had said that Dean's was easy to read and Dean didn't think Sam was anymore messed up than him. So, that had to mean bad things about Sam, right? Dean hoped to far away places that it didn't. He couldn't lose Sammy again, especially when he just got back. He watched Sam stretch and noticed just how many muscles were hiding under that t-shirt. It made Dean uncomfortable because Sammy had once been his stringy little brother and there had been no doubt that Dean could take him if necessary. Now, there was not such assurance. Dean was pretty sure Sam could take him.

"Morning," Sam grunted to Dean before dragging himself into the bathroom.

"Morning," Dean replied.

While Sam was in the bathroom, Dean closed the books that were sitting out on the table. Sam came out of the bathroom and fixed himself a cup of coffee. "How long have you been up?" Sam asked after a sip of coffee.

Dean shrugged "Oh, maybe twenty minutes," he lied.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked and sat at the table across from Dean. He looked at the books on the table curiously.

"Researching omens for why Raphael is choosing cities," Dean lied again.

"Oh, good, that's what I planned to spend the day doing. I wanted to go to the library and that church down the road to talk to the pastor there," Sam chatted happily. "And there's the college in town where we can talk to some professors."

Dean only nodded.

And that was exactly what they did that day. After breakfast downstairs at the hotel restaurant (where, thankfully, Loose Luce was not working), Sam and Dean headed to the library. Dean hated libraries. He really did. It's not that he didn't like books and people who read books; he didn't like the quiet and the smell. The smell of old books grossed him out while it delighted Sam. He hated whispering because it made this throat dry and itchy and he felt like a chick whispering secrets to her friends. He hated that he couldn't hum and put his feet up while he read. He did like librarians, though, with all that pent up energy.

Dean stayed with Sam for a little while as they tore up Dewey's two hundreds. He flipped through the indexes and read a few passages here and there before the restlessness set in. Time in libraries passed like time in Hell. Sam was used to this so when Dean leaned across the table and whispered "Hey, Sammy…" all he did was raise a hand and give a little wave. Dean pushed back from the table, regretting the screeching sound the legs made against the floor. Eyes from the entire study area (including Sam's) were on him looking annoyed. He mouthed an apology to the librarian at her desk and then made a quick beeline out the door.

The air outside was hot and muggy but better than the stale silence inside. Dean pulled out his phone and dialed Bobby.

"I don't have anything yet, Dean," answered a very agitated sounding Bobby after the third ring.

"Neither do we. But I have something else for you to research," Dean said.

"Boy, I am not the only person capable of research. If you'd maybe crack a book-" Bobby started. He must have been up all night researching.

"Wait a second, Bobby," Dean said defensively. "This is for Cas and Sam can't know about it."

"For Cas?" Bobby asked, his tone now confused.

"Yeah, it seems like Raphael has a new toy," Dean said. He sat on a nearby bus bench and watched the few people walking by.

Dean told Bobby about what happened with Cas.

"I'll see what I can find. Are you sure it's not angel made?" Bobby asked.

"I really hope not," Dean said and leaned back against the bench. The plastic coated metal was hot against his back and he started to sweat.

"If Raphael is using it, it's probably angel made, Dean," Bobby said.

"No. I don't like the angels one bit, but I don't think they'd make something so horrible," Dean said.

"You're just saying that because Cas got hurt," Bobby said absentmindedly, like he was already researching and he wasn't thinking about what he was saying.

"What?" Dean asked sharply. Now Dean was sweating more than was necessary.

"You're friend got hurt and now you're mad," Bobby said hesitantly after Dean's tone brought him back to reality and he realized what he'd said.

"Yeah, I'm mad that that son of a bitch hurt my friend, Bobby! You should have seen him. You should have seen the blood. You should have seen his face," Dean said before stopping himself. He bit his lip. He was getting too worked up over a few flesh wounds.

"Alright, alright," Bobby said. "Now, go help your brother research or he'll go dark side out of annoyance."

Dean did go back in to Sam after hanging up with Bobby. He found Sam talking with one of the librarians who was tapping away at the computer on her desk.

"No, I don't see anything pertaining to apocalyptic omens outside the Biblical ones. What did you say you were working on again?" the librarian was saying to Sam. She peered at him almost suspiciously. Like she was afraid she was reading too much into Sam's question because day after day stuck in a library caused her imagination to run wild.

Dean didn't hear Sam's response because his voice was lower and his back was to Dean. But, Dean knew it was probably something about "school research" or "I'm working on a book." It seemed to satisfy the young (and a little bit hot) librarian because she smiled and apologized again.

When Sam returned to their table he was frustrated. "There's nothing!" he whispered angrily and threw down his notebook on the table.

"Bobby has nothing, too," Dean said.

And neither did the pastor or the professor. It was late afternoon and both Sam and Dean were passed frustrated. Dean was about to declare "Fuck it! We're going to the beach!" when Cas came back.

"Cas!" Dean exclaimed happily as he and Sam entered their hotel room to see the angel there. Hey, he was perfectly okay getting excited to see Cas standing in his hotel room when he's not covered in blood and fainting onto the floor.

"Dean. Sam," Cas greeted them. His tone was all business.

"What's up, Cas?" Sam asked. Dean felt Sam looking strangely back and forth between him and Cas.

"Winchester, Virginia. Tonight," Cas said. He looked at Dean.

"Winchester? Really?" Dean asked.

"Yes," Castiel replied. He stepped towards them, his movements were careful, like he was afraid he'd pull his stitches.

"He's mocking us," Sam said quietly.

"Sam, go get our weapons out of the car," Dean said, not even looking at Sam. He needed to talk to Cas. He needed to make sure Cas was alright.

"What?" Sam was affronted.

"Now, Sam!" Dean demanded.

Sam huffed in annoyance and left the room, slamming the door on his way out.

Dean stepped closer to Castiel. "How are you doing?"

"Much better, thank you. I still owe you a breakfast, though," Castiel said with a slight smirk.

"Don't worry about it," Dean smiled. "How are your stitches?"

"Itchy," Cas replied with the tiniest of pouts. "And the bandages pull at my skin. It's not pleasant."

"That's all to be expected. But how are you after all that blood loss?" Dean asked.

"Oh, I replenished my blood supply," Castiel said casually.

"Right, so I called Bobby. He's researching that dagger," Dean said. "Did you learn anything about it?"

"No," Cas said with a shake of his head. "Though I concentrated more on finding out where Raphael was going next."

"Is he mocking us?" Dean asked. "Was Sam right?"

"I believe so," Castiel said sadly.

Sam came back holding their duffle bags of weapons. "I take it we're going with Cas?"

"Yup, Virgin Airlines it is!" Dean said with false bravado.

Cas gave Dean a Look before he touched his and Sam's foreheads. With a blink they were standing on a sidewalk. Old looking storefronts lined the street.

"We have to find a place with four walls near the center of town," Cas said, looking around.

"These are all four walled places near the center of town," Sam said.

"We will have to wait until I sense the presence of Raphael's angels before we know," Castiel said before turning to Sam and Dean. "But I believe that this is a trap."

"I was thinking the same thing," Dean said.

"Maybe not," Sam said. "Maybe he's just acknowledging the fact that he knows we're after him."

"And maybe he's going to pop out of the woodwork and kill us all for trying to stop him," Dean said. He looked agitatedly at Sam.

"We should be prepared for a trap, nonetheless," Cas said.

They found an alley where they could organize their weapons and carve the angel banishing sigil into their chests the way Cas had done before. Cas carved the sigil into Dean's chest while Sam ran to grab them coffee.

"You're going to need to remove your t-shirt," Cas said to Dean.

Dean took off his plaid button down and his t-shirt before putting the plaid shirt back on. He was going to look like such a geek with his shirt all buttoned up. He left the shirt open and pulled the fabric to his sides. Cas was holding a knife from Dean's duffle bag, waiting for Dean. Dean shoved his t-shirt into the duffle and then faced Cas. "Alright, I'm ready," he said and gestured to his bare chest.

Cas stepped closer and looked at Dean's skin. "This will hurt," Cas said then smiled at Dean. "Consider it repayment for the rubbing alcohol."

Dean opened his mouth to retort but there was a fiery pain on his chest. He gasped instead and looked down to see Cas cutting a careful circle. Dean hissed in pain and involuntarily stepped back until his back was flat against the alley wall. Darkness was slowly creeping up on them and the alley was all shadows except for the light out on the street. He could see a reflection of light in Cas's eyes as he approached Dean again. "Hold still, Dean," he said as if he wasn't carving into Dean's fucking chest with a knife but was actually wiping dirt off of his face or something. Dean watched as Cas pressed the blade to his chest again. His fingers gripped the gritty brick behind him and he ground his teeth around a groan. He watched Cas cut the sigil into his skin and felt the blood drip down his torso. "Oh, Cas, we need to stop meeting this way," he ground out in in a voice that was halfway between a pain filled groan and sigh.

Cas only smiled and continued his way too slow carving. He had smiled twice now while carving up Dean's chest. Dean felt as though maybe Cas was getting too much enjoyment out of this. But yet again, Dean was pretty much one of the biggest pains in Cas's angelic ass (and he knew it) so he didn't blame him.

When Cas stepped back to admire his work he said "All you will need to activate the sigil is to get some of your own blood on your hand and press it to the center."

Dean nodded. "What if you're there?"

"I've been banished before, I can handle it," Cas said.

"But what if you and Raphael are both banished?" Dean asked.

"Then I will deal with it, but don't risk us all because you don't want to banish me," Cas said.

Dean didn't say anything. He couldn't make these kinds of promises. "You're not carving up your chest anymore than it already is," he said to Cas.

Cas looked agitated. "I know. You and Sam must be able to do it then."

When Sam came back, Cas carved the sigil into his chest as well. But Dean could have sworn he carved the sigil bigger and deeper on Sam's chest, drawing more blood and complaints.

Dean and Sam buttoned up their shirts looking like the biggest geeks ever and waited with Cas. It was another hour before Cas jumped to attention. "They're here. But they are only low level angels. Still proceed with caution," he said as Sam and Dean followed him. They stopped just outside a music store called Blind Faith. Dean knew this was another jab at their Team Free Will. Worry and fear settled in his stomach. He knew this was a trap. It had to be. But they were prepared.

Dean looked at Sam, who looked back and lifted one corner of his mouth in a bad attempt at a reassuring smile. They were both nervous. Seeing Sam uneasy shouldn't have been a relief to Dean, but it was. He thumped a hand on Sam's shoulder and then looked to Cas. Cas was looking at the building, his brows scrunched up like he was trying to see passed the walls of the building. Dean rested a hand on Cas's shoulder, too. Cas looked to Dean and his expression was one of worry and anticipation. Dean appreciated his honesty.

They wasted no more time before Dean burst in through the front door. He had to kick the door down because it was locked; Blind Faith had closed for the night. The two angels that were sent to do Raphael's dirty work whipped around to see Dean, Sam, and Cas. Partially drawn sigils were on the walls in front of them. Dean realized just how dangerous this case was if all that was needed was quick drawing skills. He and Sam pointed their guns at the angels. The guns wouldn't hurt the angels, but it would sure slow them down if there were bullets in their hands.

"Stop what you are doing," Cas demanded, flanked by Sam and Dean.

"Castiel," one angel actually laughed. "Long time no see. How's life?"

"Stop drawing those sigils. This is not the way," Cas continued. He stepped towards the angels and Dean and Sam moved with him.

"These disgusting humans need to be destroyed. We will start anew with Raphael as our leader," the other angel spat, glaring at Sam and Dean.

"Raphael is a power hungry dick who wants to play God," Castiel said, his voice low and menacing. Dean would have laughed at Cas's language had this been any other situation. "He will not stop with the demons and the humans. He will continue to reign over Heaven and make it his own domain. Every angel will serve Raphael rather than our Father."

"Yeah? And what's our other option… you?" The first angel laughed again. "What makes you better than Raphael?"

Castiel bristled at this question. "I will not destroy Father's creations. I will not make Heaven my province. I claim no supremacy over Heaven and the angels," he replied in an even tone.

Neither of the angels bought this. The one who laughed, laughed again and lunged at Cas. Dean shot at it, but it kept moving. Sam shot at the one who was trying to draw the sigil again. Sam ran and kicked the angel way from the wall. He stopped next to the almost complete sigil and reached to wipe it away but he angel he had kicked was back. Sam was tackled to the ground with the angel's hand around his neck, choking him. He struggled beneath the angel, trying to buck him off and get some air.

Dean shot at the angel attacking Cas again as Cas pushed the angel back. Lighting fast punches were thrown before Cas threw the angel he was fighting across the room, knocking the other angel off of Sam. Both angels jumped up and were ready to fight again but Cas had pulled out the angel killing sword from his coat and quickly slashed them both in a brawl that lasted no more than a minute. Cas walked back to Dean and Sam, looking sad and in pain.

"You've been hurt, you're bleeding," Sam said to Cas and started to step forwards.

Dean tore his eyes away from Cas's face and saw that blood was seeping through Cas's shirt. His stitches had been pulled. "Shit," was all Dean was able to say before the lights in the store burst and sparked before going out.

"Raphael is coming!" Cas exclaimed.

Dean didn't really know why, but a wave of intense fear washed over him. "Hide!" he cried out. He needed time to think this through. The light of the street light outside lit their way for a few moments before going out. Dean had seen two display cases behind him that rested against the wall. He grabbed Cas by the lapels of his coat and pushed him between the two cases and then stood in front of him. His back was to Cas's chest and he listened carefully.

The two angels lay dead in the middle of the floor. Sam was crouched behind the drum display and Cas and Dean were smashed together between two display cases of music memorabilia. Everything was still and quiet. The darkness was overwhelming and Dean kept blinking, hoping to focus his eyes better. Cas's breath hit the back of Dean's neck in hot bursts. Dean heard footsteps and pressed back further against Cas. Cas shifted to accommodate Dean and placed one hand over his own handprint on Dean's shoulder and reached the other around to lay flat against Dean's rib cage. The cuts of the sigil stung with the pressure, but Dean made no noise.

What are you doing? Dean asked Cas.

If I am touching the sigils on your ribcage that prevent you from being found by angels I can't be found either. Cas replied. Dean winced at the itching feeling in his head.

They had to remain quiet until Raphael approached them and they had a chance to attack. A heavy feeling completely unrelated to the fear of a huge fight settled in the bottom of his stomach. He knew the feeling all too well and he cursed himself for getting it now. His breath slowed and everything felt sort of fuzzy. He became very aware of how his body was almost completely pressed against Cas's. He could feel Cas's belt buckle pressing into his lower back and every breath Cas took pushed against Dean's back. He closed his eyes and willed the feeling to go away. Now was so not the time for a hard on. He had never had one over Cas before. But it wasn't over Cas. No way. It was because he hadn't had sex in weeks. That's it. Not about Cas at all. But the feeling only increased when Cas moved the hand that was on Dean's shoulder to Dean's stomach, holding him against Cas even more. Cas let out a tiny sigh and rested his forehead against the back of Dean's neck.

Can you see him? Dean asked.

No. He is closest to Sam, I can feel him. Cas replied.

Can he see Sam? Can he see us? Dean asked, panic rising now.

I don't know, Cas said and shifted almost unperceptively but Dean felt every move he made. He shifted his hips, trying to turn them away from Dean. Dean felt the blood rush to his face as he blushed fiercely. He wasn't dumb, his ass and thighs were pressed against the front of Cas's pants, biology was biology and Cas was in a human body. He wanted to apologize to Cas for making him uncomfortable but couldn't. Because he kind of wasn't sorry.

What should we do? Dean asked, deciding not to acknowledge what he felt on the back of this thigh.

Wait until he comes closer. I will tell you when to attack. Cas replied.

Do you still have the sword? Dean asked, thankful that he wasn't the one holding it because his palms were slick with sweat that he couldn't blame on the heat. He gripped the Colt tightly to keep it from sliding out of his hands.

Of course, Dean. Cas said with the tone of annoyance that only Dean could cause.

Don't bitch face at me. I won't stitch you back together, Humpty Dumpty. Dean brain-sassed at Cas.

could you possibly know what face I was making? And why did you call me Humpty Dumpty? What does that even mean? Cas asked.

Shut up and listen for Raphael. Dean said. He wished all he had to worry about right now was coming up with a witty reply to Cas's comments. He wished he could sit down and tell Cas the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme. He wished he wasn't hiding from an archangel. He wished he wasn't all pressed up against Cas in the dark where both of them had erections.

Sam, Dean, I am going to turn on the lights in about three seconds. Then we may attack. Cas said. Dean's heart sank just the tiniest bit into his toes when Cas addressed Sam, too. He had been kind of hoping that Cas only spoke to him in his head and not anyone else's. One. Two. Three.

The lights came on (even though they had been blown) and the three of them jumped out of their hiding places, weapons raised. Raphael was in the same vessel as the last time they'd met. He was smiling.

"Hello, boys," Raphael said. "Funny to see the Winchesters in Winchester."

"Hilarious," Dean deadpanned.

"I chose it just for you," Raphael continued in a calm voice. He didn't seem fazed at all that there were three weapons pointed in his face, one of which was sure to kill him. "Do you like it?"

"It's wonderful. Now leave," Dean said.

"This store is called Blind Faith, did you notice?" Raphael asked, completely ignoring Dean's demand. "I chose it because you seem to have such blind faith in Castiel. Why is that? He's fighting me for control over Heaven just as much as I'm fighting him."

"Cas doesn't want to kill every human being on Earth just to get rid of what he doesn't like," Dean said.

Raphael chuckled. "I'm not killing off the humans for enjoyment. I'm eliminating them to start fresh. A clean slate is what this world needs."

"This world is just fine the way it is," Dean said.

"Really? You think so? With all the war, disease, destruction, and anger that controls it? Hm, you're right, it is delightful. Maybe I simply have something against populations that tolerate cold popcorn and fetishes for sparkly vampires," Raphael said and stepped closer to Dean. "Dean Winchester, I'm trying to bring Heaven to Earth and you're trying to stop me. What does that make you?"

"Part of Team Free Will," Dean said and shot Raphael in the chest with the Colt. He knew it wasn't going to do much besides annoy Raphael, but the son of a bitch pissed him off.

Raphael looked down at the hole in his chest with barely a frown. "Team Free Will walks into a trap-" Raphael snapped his fingers and Cas disappeared. "And nobody walks back out."

Cas was gone and Dean began to panic. He kept his face neutral but inside his heart was racing and fear pumped through his veins. "Where is he?" Dean growled.

"Not here," Raphael said.

"Did you kill him?" Sam asked, stepping forward so that he and Dean were shoulder to shoulder.

"No, but I might as well have. I'm going to kill you two. And remember what I said about blind faith? It goes both ways," Raphael said, looking directly at Dean.

Dean couldn't help but be relieved that Cas was alive, though now he was fearing for his own and Sam's life.

"Really guys, how did you not know this was a trap?" Raphael asked. "You're getting sloppy."

"We figured it would be a trap but we came prepared for a fight," Sam said.

"With those toy guns? You do realize that the only weapon of yours that could have killed me disappeared with your precious Cas," Raphael said.

"Remember what I said about coming prepared?" Sam mocked Raphael.

Sam and Dean both ripped open their button down shirts, exposing the angel banishing sigil on their chests. Raphael's face changed from relaxed to insanely pissed off in less than a second. He lunged forward and reached for Dean but Sam shot at Raphael.

Dean knew that all he needed to activate the sigil was his own blood on his hand to press against his chest. He was ready to take one hit before he was able to banish Raphael. After Sam shot Raphael, he turned to Sam and punched him in the mouth. Blood was drawn but Sam didn't use the banishing spell. Dean didn't understand. Sam continued to fight Raphael as Dean shot at the archangel. But the Colt didn't work against archangels, as they were fast learning.

There was the sound of wings and Dean spun around to see three angels behind him. He went in to complete warrior mode where he didn't feel anything and all he saw were opportunities to kick, punch, fight. Pure instinct was driving him as he fought the three angels. His brain was about to block out the sound of Sam fighting Raphael in order to concentrate better on his own survival when one of the angels pulled out a knife. Dean saw the glint of the metal in the light and he turned to react to it when another angel grabbed his shoulders and held him still. The angel with the knife was stepping towards Dean, about two inches away when the angels all disappeared in a flash of light. Dean had been leaning back into the angel that had been holding him, so when the angel disappeared, Dean fell to the ground.

He sat up, "Sammy?" he called out. He knew Sam had finally activated the banishing sigil and he wondered why it took him so long.

"Right here, Dean," Sam said breathlessly from behind Dean.

Dean turned to see a bloodied Sam struggling to get to his feet. His lip and nose were bleeding and both eyes looked like they were swelling up. Dean imagined he didn't look much better as he stood up. They both faced each other, panting, checking each other for broken bones.

"We need to get out of here," Sam said and they limped to the door.

"We have to find Cas," Dean said around a swollen lip.

"Not right now. First thing is to get out of Winchester," Sam said, pushing open the broken door.

"He's not going to know where to find us when he comes back," Dean said.

"He has a cell phone and knows how to use it… sort of," Sam said.

"What if Raphael has him?" Dean asked rhetorically. "What if he's in some angel prison somewhere? They could be torturing him right now. Ripping his wings off or something." Dean spat out blood from his cut lip onto the sidewalk.

"I'm sure that's not happening," Sam said in a tone that did not make Dean feel any better. "If it makes you feel any better, we can leave the state and then start calling and praying to him."

Dean nodded and they hobbled to a gas station to use their rest rooms. There was no way they were going to be able to get bus tickets back to West Palm Beach where the Impala was with their faces all bloody. They stood around the sink washing their faces and putting ice from the drink machine into cheap, crappy paper towels and over their swollen faces. There were dark bruises all over their faces and no amount of dirty ice was going to help it. They looked like shit. So they pocketed their pride and Sam bought concealer makeup from the gas station. It matched neither of their skin tones, but it covered the bruises enough that they looked like they had skin conditions rather than contusions.

"This is every shade of wrong," Dean said, rubbing the make up onto Sam's skin under his eyes.

"Yeah, well, our faces are every shade of purple. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves or get denied bus tickets," Sam said.

"Sam Winchester wears make-up!" Dean exclaimed.

"And Dean Winchester applied it! So shut the fuck up!" Sam defended before it was Dean's turn to sit on the toilet seat while Sam was the make up artist.

They left the gas station and walked to the nearest bus station outside of Winchester. It was a long haul and they got there at about midnight. Inside there were people sleeping on benches or drinking endless cups of coffee. Sam and Dean bought two tickets to West Palm Beach and ignored the weird looks they got for their mismatched and caked skin tones.

The next bus to Florida was in the morning so they settled at a table, their duffle bags of weapons at their feet. Dean pulled out his cell phone and called Cas. There was no answer. So he called again. And again. And again. He began to get even more nervous and worried than the last time he couldn't get ahold of Cas. This time, he had been taken by Raphael himself and who the fuck knows where he sent Cas. Dean was on edge and could think of nothing more than of what he imagined angel torture to be like.

Cas, where are you? No answer. Please tell me you're okay. I'm freaking out here. Sammy and I are waiting for a bus back to West Palm Beach. We're going back for the Impala. Do you want us to stay there until you come back? There was no response.

Dean tried over and over all night to call or pray to Cas. Sam tried many times, as well, but with less urgency and frequency. Sam eventually fell asleep laying across a line of chairs with his head on his duffle bag. Dean kept an eye out for any sign of angels that had followed them to the bus stop.

No angels followed them and no angels called their cell phones either. Dean would have been grateful for an annoying game of phone tag with Cas at this point in time. Multiple cups of coffee and hours later, Dean was over caffeinated and agitated. Dean woke Sam up to catch their bus. The ride was sixteen hours straight but with the gas breaks and the other stops it took about twenty four hours. Dean only slept for about two hours of that time, much to Sam's disapproval. The bus was loud, cramped, and smelled horrible. Dean fucking hated every damn second of it.

Once they finally reached West Palm Beach and they got back to their hotel room, Dean was ready to collapse with exhaustion. He showered while Sam ordered food. When he came out he took two bites of the burger Sam had ordered for him and then collapsed onto his bed in his boxers. Sam went to bed not long after him and they both slept until six the next morning.

The smell of maple syrup woke Dean up. He figured Sam had already been up and brought him breakfast like a good little brother. Until he heard rustling come from Sam's bed and Sam say "Cas?"

Dean shot up and out of bed like it was on fire or something. Sure enough, there, in the middle of the room, with two plates of steaming hot Belgian waffles, was Cas. He was smiling at Dean like he knew Dean was seriously freaking the fuck out.

"Cas!" Dean exclaimed with a gasp suitable for soap operas. But he didn't care. He had left his pride in his pocket after the make-up incident and those pants were still on the bathroom floor. He started towards Cas and took the plates out of his hands and set them down on the dresser. Cas looked confused though amused when Dean turned back towards him. Dean couldn't help it. He hugged Cas fiercely against his chest, squeezing the air out of the angel. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's back and tried to chuckle but it came out as a wheeze.

Sam was pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He grabbed his plate of waffles and said "Thanks for breakfast, Cas. Um, I'll just leave you two alone, I guess." He sounded weirded out and kind of angry before he left the room.

As soon as the door shut, Dean pulled back from Cas. "I thought you were…"

"I know what you thought, Dean. You're very clingy," Cas said.

"Oh, ha ha," Dean said humorlessly. "Seriously though, what happened?"

"I was detained for awhile. You were correct on that account. But I was able to escape," Cas said.

"How?" Dean asked.

Cas handed Dean the plate of Belgian waffles and they sat at the table. Dean realized just how hungry he was and started to eat. "I have angels on the inside of Raphael's garrison," Cas replied, watching Dean shovel in the waffles at an alarming speed.

Dean shook his head and swallowed. "That's amazing, Cas. You're like the angel Houdini, or something."

"Houdini?" Cas asked, his head tilted.

"A kick ass magician," Dean replied and shoved in another forkful of waffles.

"And who is Humpty Dumpty?" Cas asked.

Dean laughed and told him the nursery rhyme.

AN: Thanks again sooooo much to everyone who reads and comments!!!!!
Also: fucking tumblr how does it work? Add me bitches so I can reblog all your stuff and we can be friends. :) I just started the account a couple of days ago. Don't be shy! I'm the most awkward person on the Earth so nothing you do will bother me. Well, no naked pictures. That happened once. Unless your hot...
I'm leaving now kbye. enjoy fic.

fandom: supernatural, fandom: dean/castiel, these boys own my soul, fic: hide and seek

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