Fanfic: Hide and Seek (Supernatural Dean/Cas) 3/?

Jan 12, 2011 13:22

Chapter 3 of Hide And Seek
Still Mature or R.
Still unbeta-ed.
Still don't own Supernatural. Not even the DVDs.
Thanks for reading and commenting!!
This was going to be a short little chapter in Castiel's point of view, but it ended up being the longest one so far. Weirrrd. The rest will be in Dean's point of view, I believe. It's back to his POV next chapter. Hope you don't mind the little switch! :)

Chapter Three

Lying was a sin, so Castiel couldn’t deny the fact that he wanted to be back on Earth with Dean and Sam. Lies tasted bitter on his tongue anyways, so he avoided them at all costs. He’d left Dean and Sam back at the hotel in Ohio with a promise that he’d be back soon. He was only in Heaven to check up on his garrison and to receive news on where Raphael was going to strike next. He had sent Micah, a highly sought after angel of Divine Paths, to spy on Raphael. His return was greatly anticipated.

Angels hushed when he entered the room. A respectful silence fell about them and the only sound was the sound of his wings beating slowly as he settled on the floor. He looked out at each of them, peering at their minds and souls, making sure there were no misdirected angels in his midst. After seeing all Good willed angels amongst him, he spoke.

“The Winchesters have joined us in the fight. They will be our soldiers on Earth. You will respect them and treat them as you would your loyal brothers. Now, is there any news that I should be made aware of?” Castiel asked the group.

Many angels came forward with news of new Loyal angels and new angels following Raphael. Some came forth with information about angels who were nearing decisions of sides. A few had information of where Raphael had been seen in Heaven and who he’d been seen with. Micah finally came forward when the rest of the angels had been dismissed.

“Castiel, I know where he’s going next,” Micah said in a hushed tone. He knew that if he was able to be an undetected spy, then others were capable as well.

Had Castiel been human, he would have waited on bated breath.

“He will be in West Palm Beach, Florida within a week,” Micah said. “He feels that the town is sinfully lustful. Demons and humans alike have flocked there as of late and are committing disgustingly rampant acts of a sexual nature. Honestly, it is shameful, but these humans choose this path. Father gave them the choice for them to do as they wish.”

Castiel carefully inspected Micah’s soul for any hint of disloyalty and found none. He nodded slowly. “Thank you, Micah. Your work will not go unnoticed.”

Micah left soon after. Castiel needed to think. He flew about Heaven for some time, enjoying the feel of the wind through his wings. It was a freeing feeling compared to the constraint of being in his human vessel on Earth. He stretched his muscles and wings and reveled in the comfort of Heaven. He flew for hours just thinking. Castiel felt empathy for Dean. Both Castiel and Dean had brothers with doubtful loyalties. Both were harboring broken hearts over how things just Weren’t Working. Castiel really didn’t know who or what brought Sam back and it bothered him. Every time he looked into Sam’s soul and mind, he came up blank. Either Sam was telling the truth and didn’t know who or what brought him back, or someone or something bigger and more powerful than Castiel was controlling Sam’s mind. All Castiel could see in Sam was fear for the future and how he managed to come back, determination to succeed, trust and love for his brother, and loyalty to Castiel.

Castiel liked to look at Dean’s soul and mind. His was more complex and simpler than Sam’s at the same time. Castiel didn’t want to admit it at all, but Dean had been right when he’d said that being a deep person didn’t mean caring and knowing about everything. He had proven Castiel wrong. Again. And that’s why Castiel liked looking at Dean. He was a paradox. Dean had wrecked Castiel’s faith at the same time he renewed it so much stronger. Dean cared about few things in his life and his soul was carved out of them. The intensity for which he cared about his favorite things was his weakness and his strength. His love for Sam had proven this time and time again and probably would forever. Dean’s respect for Castiel had only grown. Even when he was mad at the angel, he knew it was because the angel was doing what he thought was right and good. Even when he called Castiel bad names and cursed at him, Castiel knew he wasn’t speaking to Castiel, he was speaking to what Castiel was doing. And Castiel only knew this from looking at and studying Dean’s soul. Dean had a strong front that he had worked his whole life to perfect. But Castiel knew everything about Dean. He had rebuilt every inch of Dean when he pulled him from Hell; there wasn’t a thing he didn’t know. Maybe it was cheating, Castiel didn’t know, but he saw right through Dean’s stone wall. The bond that had been formed between them not only as he pulled Dean from the fires of Hell, but on Earth in battle, through self destruction and back up, connected him to Dean more than any other human.

After flying for hours, enjoying being out of his vessel, he decided it was a good time to return to Dean and Sam. He had been gone for two human days and hoped to find them still in Ohio at the hotel where he had specifically told them to stay.

He landed in his vessel in the hotel room. Summer daylight streamed through the salt-lined windows. Castiel looked about the room and didn’t see Dean or Sam. He checked the bathroom, neither was there either. Why they would both be in the bathroom, he didn’t know, but he’d actually hoped for it. Because if they were both in the bathroom in would mean that they were both safe and where he’d left them. Castiel’s worry grew when he remembered that Dean was afraid that Sam would turn on them and would serve the demons or Raphael. But Castiel would have known if that had happened. He would have felt it or heard it from other angels. Still, it did nothing to settle his fear and worry for Dean.

Castiel remembered his cellular phone in his vessel’s pocket. He searched for it and pulled it out and turned it on. It made a charming song of beeps as it displayed a screen of dancing letters and the words “Dean rules!” in the forefront. He wondered why the cellular device was telling him Dean ruled. What territory did Dean rule? Castiel made a note to ask him about it later. When Dean had bought the phone for Castiel, he and Sam had both pressed buttons on it for an hour. Castiel looked at it now and saw Dean’s face on the screen. He was making a strange face with his eyes crossed and his tongue sticking out. Castiel found it humorous but didn’t understand why Dean was on his cellular phone. “Dean?” he asked it. But when Dean’s face didn’t change, it occurred to Castiel that this was only a photograph. He sighed and remembered the lesson Sam had given him on how to use his programmed speed dial. He pressed the number two (number one was called voicemail) and then the green button and the screen said “Dialing Dean Winchester.” He put the phone to his ear and listened to the grating noise of the phone ringing. He wondered how humans could possibly tolerate this noise when they couldn’t tolerate his voice.
There was no answer besides Dean’s voicemail. Castiel had learned the hard way with much mocking that it was not actually Dean talking on the other end. The voicemail greeting was prerecorded. So he pressed the red button and then number three and the green button. “Dialing Sam Winchester” was displayed on his screen. Sam did not answer his cellular phone either.
Castiel’s worry grew. He flew to the front desk. The girl at the counter looked up at him, startled because she hadn’t seen him approach the counter. “Can I help you, sir?”

“I’m looking for Dean and Sam. Are they here?” Castiel asked.

“Um, we can’t disclose the names of the people who are staying here unless you’re a cop and you have a warrant,” she said looking over his suit and trench coat.

“I’m not a cop but I must find these two men,” Castiel said. “One is very tall and has long, brown hair. The
other has short, lighter hair.” He Willed her to give up the information that she knew.

She looked thoughtful. “I’m not completely sure of who you’re talking about. There were two attractive guys like that here yesterday. Are they really hot?”

“I have not felt them to know their temperature,” Castiel said. He wondered if they had been ill.

The girl giggled. “I meant are they in great shape?”

“They are quite strong for humans, yes,” Castiel said impatiently.

“Um, okay, well, they were here yesterday at least. I just got here. If they come in, I can tell them you were looking for them,” she suggested.

“No, I require them now,” Castiel said before walking out the door.

Out on the sidewalk he stopped a man who was walking by on a cellular phone. “Do you know where Dean and Sam are?”

“No, man,” the human said in a voice that suggested that Castiel had been rude. He kept walking and left Castiel on the sidewalk.

Castiel walked a block in the other direction. He encountered two young females dressed in shorts and brightly colored tank tops. They were laughing and talking loudly. Castiel stepped in front of them and they stopped in their tracks.

“Dude, move!” one girl said.

“Have you seen Dean and Sam?” Castiel asked.

“Who?” the other girl asked.

Castiel looked at their souls and saw that they were near the age of the girl working at the counter in the hotel. “Have you seen two hot men in great shape?” Now he was speaking their language and expected that they would now understand him perfectly.

One girl laughed and the other looked disturbed. She made a noise of disgust and said “Ew, what do we look like? A gay dating site?” Then they both pushed passed him and went on their way.

Castiel didn’t understand. He had spoken their language and everything. He walked another block and concentrated on the souls and minds of the few people he passed. None had the imprints of Dean or Sam on them. Castiel did this for what felt like hours, but had really only been about twenty minutes. Then he came across a small bookstore and heard the thrum of a soul entwined with Dean’s soul. He knew it was Sam by the pitch. Castiel burst through the doors of the bookstore and concentrated on the hum of Sam’s soul. It was relaxed, almost sleepy, and content. He followed the hum through rows of books and passed tables of quiet readers. He found Sam near the back, sitting at a table with his chin in his hand and his eyes focused on a book on the table. A paper cup of coffee rested on the table before him. Castiel was very relieved to have found Sam because Dean couldn’t be too far from him. But when he realized that he didn’t hear the thrum of Dean’s soul, he became angry.

Castiel stood in front of Sam’s table and Sam looked up. “Hey, Cas,” he said in a quiet, calm, friendly voice.

“Where is Dean?” Castiel asked harshly. A young man glared at him from the next table. “What have you done with him?” Castiel continued in a quieter voice.

“He’s fine, he’s around here somewhere,” Sam said with a shrug. “Why what’s wrong?”

“You didn’t answer your cellular phone,” Castiel said.

“Yeah, sorry, it’s on silent. What’s going on, Cas?” Sam said. He closed his book and stood up.

“You and Dean weren’t in your hotel room or the bathroom, the girl at the front desk made me call you ‘hot’ and still didn’t know where you were, and two girls who are not a gay dating site had not seen you. Also, you didn't answer your phone,” Castiel listed quickly.

Sam looked like he wanted to laugh but didn’t. “Sorry. Let’s go find Dean. Calm down,” he said and led Castiel out the door of the book store.

They were out in the sunlight and fresh air and Castiel breathed deeply. The bookstore had been musty and smelled like stale coffee beans.

“He had said something about calling Lisa,” Sam said and looked around. He pulled out his phone and called Dean, but Dean didn’t answer. “Yeah, he’s probably on the phone.”

Sam and Castiel walked down the street and Castiel strained to listen for Dean’s soul. Then there was just the faintest echo of his soul and Castiel flew to it immediately. Dean had been a few blocks away at a small dog park. He was on his phone, pacing back and forth in front of a bench. Castiel looked at his soul and saw the ache there. He was talking to Lisa about how Ben had gotten into a fight with some neighborhood kids. Dean felt like he could have prevented the fight if he’d been there. He felt responsible for Ben like a father would. But he was not Ben’s father. Castiel had checked.

Castiel let himself relax in a cool calm now that he knew that both Dean and Sam were safe.

When Dean hung up he turned to see Castiel approaching him. He gave a small, tight lipped smile. “What’s up, Cas?”

Castiel looked up before he remembered that they had talked about this colloquialism before. He looked back at Dean who was watching with amusement as Castiel stopped himself for responding literally. “You didn’t answer my call,” Castiel said. “I have important news.”

“Let’s meet up with Sammy first,” Dean said.

Back in the hotel room, Castiel made Dean and Sam settle down onto the edge of one of the beds before he told them the news. They had been in this town for three whole days without a case and were very restless. Castiel stood in front of them and they looked up at him expectantly.

“I’ve been informed as to where Raphael will be next,” Castiel said seriously. “He’s going after the lustful humans and the demons that feed off of them in West Palm Beach, Florida.”

“Summer break, baby!” Dean whooped and Sam grinned.

“What is summer break?” Castiel asked.

“It’s a time when college kids flock to tropical places for lots of ‘lustful’ activities,” Dean explained.

“Some college kids,” Sam corrected.

“It’s a good time,” Dean said wistfully.

“You didn’t even go to college!” Sam laughed.

“Doesn’t mean I didn’t have summer and spring break!” Dean exclaimed with a chuckle.

Castiel sort of understood now. Knowing Dean’s love of scantily clad females and alcohol, he put two and two together.

“When will he be there?” Sam asked.

“Within a week,” Castiel replied. Finally, a sentence he understood completely.

“It’ll take about a day or two to drive there from here,” Dean calculated.

“We should get there as soon as possible. I should fly you there,” Castiel said. He was impatient and wanted to get there before Raphael. While he was supposedly going to be there within a week, three hours was within a week. Five minutes was within a week. He wanted to get there and try to evacuate the people safely before they were all eliminated just in case he was unable to stop Raphael. He wanted to be there before Raphael to protect the city.

Dean groaned at the idea.

“No,” Sam said. “I’m not worried about the time. We can drive.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t see a reason to get there right now.”

“We need to get there before Raphael, not just in time to stop him,” Castiel said.

Sam rolled his eyes. “You said he would be there within a week. One day isn’t going to be too late.”

“How do you know?” Castiel snapped. He felt the unease in Dean’s soul and relaxed his posture instead of smiting Sam like he kind of wanted to.

Sam shrugged again. He looked up at Castiel with a challenge in his eyes. Castiel looked into his soul. He was challenging Castiel for Dean. It was up to Dean. Go with Castiel or go with Sam?

“I hate when you fly me places,” Dean said with a wrinkled nose. “Come with me and Sammy in the Impala.”
Castiel shook his head and looked back at Sam. His eyes were narrowed and an expression of victory shone in them. He was smirking at Castiel.

“Why not, Cas?” Dean asked. “We’ll be okay on time.”

Dean was only saying that because Sam had said it confidently and he trusted Sam’s judgment on this.

“We need to get there as soon as possible. We need to evacuate the humans there,” Castiel said.

“But evacuating the people would evacuate the demons, too,” Sam said. The look of victory still in his eyes. Castiel didn’t like it. It made him angry. His fingers twitched.

“You are a demon hunter,” Castiel said coolly. “Hunt them.”

“Cas has a point,” Dean said. “A few demons for a couple thousand people is worth it.”

Castiel quirked an eyebrow at Sam. Now Castiel was feeling victorious.

“But you can evacuate the people on your own, right?” Sam asked Castiel.

Castiel couldn’t lie. “Yes.”

“Then you go evacuate the hot chicks and we’ll meet you there in a day or so,” Dean said with finality. He stood up and started packing his bag up.

Sam stood up as well. He clapped a hand on Castiel’s shoulder and grinned. The narrow eyed victorious look was back. Castiel was so angry that he took ten years off Sam’s life expectancy and made him sterile. But then he remembered that he couldn’t just go and do that to humans because they made him angry. So he fixed what he’d changed and gave him the genes for premature baldness instead.

“Call me when you arrive in West Palm Beach,” Castiel said. He looked at Dean’s soul and saw that Dean was aware of Castiel’s disappointment. Dean felt bad and sincerely wanted Castiel to go with him and Sam, but he knew that Castiel had a duty to evacuate the people from West Palm Beach.

“Will do, Cas,” Dean said cheerfully. He was trying to show Castiel that he wasn’t angry or upset, he just didn’t want to leave Sam. Castiel knew this and looked at him. Dean must have seen what he wanted to see because he smiled. Castiel nodded and flew to Florida.


Castiel didn’t dwell on his disappointment in Sam and Dean too much. He knew it wouldn’t help him catch Raphael. But the way Sam challenged him for Dean was disconcerting. There was something off about it but Castiel couldn’t pin point what exactly it was. Something made him feel like it was Sam challenging Dean’s loyalty to Castiel. Which wasn’t fair, because Dean would need to be literally told about the challenge before he acted accordingly. And nothing about Dean’s soul suspected a challenge. Castiel also felt that maybe Sam was distracting Castiel. Maybe he was trying to make it appear as though he was challenging Castiel for Dean when he was instilling doubt in Castiel.

Castiel stood on the street in West Palm Beach. There were people everywhere dressed in shorts, tank tops, and sandals. Everyone glistened with sweat under the afternoon sun. There was a line out the door of an ice cream shop. As Castiel walked down the street he realized that the reason for the slight clothing was not only to keep cool in the heat, but to attract a mate, as well. He could smell the pheromones and hormones as he walked along the crowded sidewalk. Everyone’s soul practically quivered with lust and Castiel felt as though he needed to set these young people right. He resisted the urge to Save them all and located the center of town.
The center of town was a Historical Society that had been almost completely ignored all summer. No school trips were scheduled to visit, and no history buffs dared to enter the city at such a time of year. It seemed to Castiel that these people had left their educations and morals at home. The only time anyone had entered the Historical Society Building all summer was when the café across the street had reached its capacity and people were desperate for air conditioning. Castiel entered the building and was welcomed with a gust of cold air. He had regulated the temperature of his vessel so he hadn’t become hot in the Florida summer sun, but the breeze of cool air reminded him of flying.

He felt around the area and didn’t become aware of any angelic presence. In fact, no angels besides him had ever been inside the building. Two demons had in the past, but they had moved on. Feeling nothing out of the ordinary, Castiel pretended to be a surveyor of the displays.

After spending two hours looking around the building and pretending to be interested in what the curator was saying, Castiel left. Castiel went to the beach. He had never been to the beach. He stood back where the sand began. The toes of his shoes sunk into the sand. He looked out to the humans near the water. Some were lounging on towels and blankets, listening to music, and some were playing games. There were many people screaming and splashing and laughing in the water. Castiel smiled and soaked in the joy that most were exuding. What most humans didn’t know was that just being joyful was the strongest form of worship. No words, gospel, or books could compare to a full laugh, a smile, or play. While many of the humans before him on that beach were intoxicated or were looking for intercourse, they were joyful.

The salty wind from the ocean tousled his hair and made his coat flap about his legs. He was aware of the stares his appearance caused, but he didn’t care. His senses were raised, waiting to detect angelic presence, but he was relaxed.

Cas, I feel bad. Come get us. Was a prayer from Dean. This is Dean, by the way. Castiel smiled. Castiel knew who it was. His prayer came in his voice.

Dean who? Castiel sent back. He knew sending a prayer back to humans was uncomfortable to them but he wasn’t exactly happy with Dean. And his response was more of a joke with angels than humorous to a human. Angels often joked that humans didn’t address their prayers; they assumed the angels and God would automatically know who was praying. While it was true that angels did automatically know, humans didn’t know that, so their confidence and self importance was humorous to angels.

Dean Winchester. Cas, I’m really sorry. I should have gone with you. His voice was sincere.

It’s alright. I understand that you didn’t want to leave Sam. Castiel replied.

Can you come get me and Sammy? Your voice makes my head itchy on the inside.

Castiel grinned broadly and pulled out his cellular phone and dialed Dean.

“Yyyyellow,” Dean said as a greeting. Castiel waited a second and realized that Dean didn’t mean a color.

“What?” Castiel asked.

“You know, like hello, but not- OKAY I’ll never say it again,” Dean said. Castiel heard Sam laughing in the background.

“Where are you?” Castiel asked. He ignored Dean’s strangeness.

Dean gave him the address of the gas station they were stopped at and Castiel flew to them. Sam was filling the tank of the Impala and Dean was hanging up the phone as Castiel appeared next to him. Dean didn’t startle, but Sam did. Sam’s soul was resentful and unhappy and he wouldn’t look at Castiel.

“Hey, can you fly the Impala there, too?” Dean asked Castiel.

“I would rather not,” Castiel said. It would require more energy he wanted to spare if they were to be fighting Raphael.

Dean almost pouted and his soul matched. He loved that car. It was basically his home and Castiel knew that. “We can store it here somewhere safe,” he said.

“Fine,” Dean huffed.

They parked the Impala in a 24 hour Wal-Mart parking lot and Dean stroked the frame. “See you later, baby,” he said fondly to his car.

Castiel touched Dean and Sam’s foreheads and flew them to West Palm Beach. When they landed Dean and Sam were both lightheaded and agitated. Castiel allowed them to wait a few moments and collect themselves before he lead them into the coffee shop across from the Historical Society.

Sam complained about waiting for Raphael when it could be days before he showed up. But Castiel explained that they had to stay aware. Raphael probably knew that there was a spy within his garrison somewhere and once he made a plan he was probably going act on it quickly before any of it got back to Castiel.

Dean and Sam ordered drinks and pastries as they waited. Castiel watched as both of them took delight in good food. He remembered the satisfaction of eating a burger when Famine caused Jimmy to crave meat. Part of him wished he was allowed to have those desires but he knew that yearning to be human like was grounds to Fall. So, instead, he drank in Dean and Sam’s happiness like they drank their sweetened coffee.

The coffee shop was just about to close and the Historical Society had been closed for hours when Castiel felt the presence of other angels. He felt three lower level angels nearby and he jumped up, making Dean and Sam start. “They’re here. Three low level angels,” he told Dean and Sam.

The three of them rushed out of the café and across the street. They circled around to the back and Castiel flew them into the locked building. The angels were luckily in vessels. They were beginning to draw sigils on the walls in blood from ornate bowls.

“Stop!” Castiel yelled.

The angels stop to look at Castiel fearfully.

“Our orders are to eliminate the living beings of this town,” one angel said. The three angels were visibly frightened of Castiel and they didn’t look directly at him.

Castiel looked into their souls. Two of them were coerced into joining Raphael’s garrison through threats and did not truly believe in his cause. One was completely devoted to Raphael and would immediately report back to him given the opportunity. Castiel pulled the angel killing sword from his coat. He moved as quickly as he could and killed the angel loyal to Raphael before any of them had a chance to react. A white light poured from the angel’s eyes and mouth and Castiel hoped Dean and Sam had closed their eyes.

“Why are you here?” Castiel asked the two remaining angels who were trembling where they stood.

“Our orders were to destroy this city and clean it of the lust and greed that fill it,” the male angel replied. “Many demons feed off of the sin here.”

“These humans were given the free will and choice to do what they want with their lives. We must respect their God given decisions even if they are shameful,” Castiel said. “If God did not want them to be able to choose sin then he would not have given them the ability.”

Castiel felt the resolve to follow Raphael’s orders faltering in the two angels.

“We must put a stop to Raphael’s plans or all of the human race will be eradicated. God does not want his creations to be destroyed otherwise he would have told us all,” Castiel continued. “Come with me.”

“Yes,” the female angel said. Her soul was calmed and she looked directly at Castiel. She was hopeful. Castiel stepped forward and touched her forehead. He gave her the directions to his garrison with all of the information she would need to pass through the gates. She flew away with a serene smile.

“No,” the male angel said. Castiel looked into his soul. He was a fearful and cowardly angel. He wanted nothing to do with neither Castiel nor Raphael, but Raphael had threatened him. He was going to stay on Raphael’s side.

“I’m sorry,” Castiel said. He felt Dean shift behind him from foot to foot impatiently. Castiel heard Dean’s heart beating quickly with anticipation of a fight. Dean wanted to fight. Wanted to move. Needed to do something. Castiel turned and tossed Dean the sword. Dean’s eyes lit up.

Dean wielded the sword before the male angel. Castiel moved Sam back and they watched as Dean fought the angel. Castiel knew that Dean was capable of defeating the angel but he waited and watched carefully anyways. He felt Sam’s confusion and nervousness but didn’t care because he was angry with him. Sam tried to step forwards to help Dean when Dean was thrown to the floor but Castiel held him back. Dean jumped up quickly and continued to fight the angel.

Moments later Dean gave a yell of effort and swung the sword at the angel, slashing at his chest and then stabbing into him. Pride swelled through both Dean and Castiel as the white light burst through the room and the empty vessel fell to the ground. Dean turned to Castiel and Sam and smiled. “Crisis averted!” he said joyously.

Sam cleaned the partially drawn sigils off the walls and Castiel disposed of the empty vessels. Dean cleaned the sword and chatted happily to Sam and Castiel about how awesome that fight was. To Castiel it was no different than a typical human bar brawl, but he allowed Dean the pleasure of gloating. Because defeating those who meant harm was one of those things he cared about deeply.


After finishing up at the Historical Society, Dean insisted on going to the beach. It was dark and there were bonfires scattered up and down the coast. There was different music playing along the shore and whenever the breeze blew they could hear strings of notes carried on the wind with laughter. Once they hit the sand, Dean and Sam bent down to take off their shoes and socks. Castiel watched them curiously.

“You take off your shoes in the sand, Cas,” Dean said happily. “Sand in your shoes is really uncomfortable. And cool sand feels great!”

Castiel Willed off his shoes and socks and carried them like Dean and Sam did as they walked towards the water. Dean had been right, the cool sand felt strange but good on his bare feet. It was odd walking in sand but they made their way to the water’s edge. The water was cool against his feet and it wetted the bottom of his pant legs. He watched as water swirled around him and then went back out to sea. Little shells, rocks, and bits of seaweed washed to shore. He was marveling at how beautiful the ocean was when he saw two flashes of skin go rushing passed him on either side. His skin prickled for a fight but he felt no presence of demons or angels. Then just as quickly as he stiffened to fight, he realized it was Dean and Sam in their boxers running passed him into the ocean. He relaxed and felt their joy as they both dove into a dark wave. Their adrenaline from the unknown ocean coursed through their veins.

“Come on, Cas!” Dean yelled to him.

Castiel smiled and shook his head.

“The water is great!” Dean continued.

Sam looked at Castiel and his soul took on a condescending thrum. Castiel was filled with annoyance and anger again. He Willed off his clothes so that he too was in his underwear. He looked down to see what he was wearing because he’d never looked at what Jimmy wore. He knew the trench coat, the suit jacket, the white shirt, the tie, the pants, and the shoes because they were visible, but he’d never looked under those. Now he was standing on an empty strip of beach in a pair of dark blue boxer briefs with his toes buried in the sand and his favorite human beckoning him into the ocean. He looked up at the stars and the waxing moon and smiled. He thanked his Father for the strangeness of humans and waded after Dean and Sam into the ocean.

Things were going to be alright, Castiel just knew it. There was no way that he was going to allow humans to be completely eliminated from the Earth. There was no way that Dean and Sam were going allow humans to be completely eliminated from the Earth. Things were going to be alright, Castiel knew it. Because Dean was smiling so brightly as Castiel swam out to him (after reading his mind and learning how), because Sam was perturbed by Castiel swimming between him and Dean, because Castiel had soaked up the joy of the humans on the beach like they soaked up the sun’s rays, because he had another angel in his garrison, because they had saved all of the living things in West Palm Beach, because swimming felt strange and wonderful.

fandom: supernatural, fandom: dean/castiel, fic: hide and seek, fan: fic

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