I've been a very busy Cat tonight...
From the
Ginnungagap website:
There was a time...
There was a time when experience with the unexplainable was more commonplace than it seems to be now. When the world of magic interwove with the lives of ordinary people in their crafts, their homes and their very survival. When keeping Frith with the hidden folk was important to all and not just those with the sight and when certain people in the community were known to be a 'friend of' deity, without mockery.
There was a time when the fates of a nation would rest upon the result of one man going under a cloak for a while in order to get some kind of answer. There was a time when folks just accepted that.
There was a time when vision was a part of history.
In modern Asatru and Heathenry, we look to the lore, the historical accounts, the archeaological evidence and we suck at it to try and extract everything we can from it. If it isn't in there, it shouldn't be done, right? And if it's a magical practice or intense religious experience of the kind also recorded in the lore then you can't possibly have done it/it can't possibly have happened to you! Because well...you're you. Right? Engage mockery function.
Only there are those of us in the community that do do this stuff and that do have those kind of experiences and an increasing number are feeling marginalized.
Where does that leave us then?
On the one side we have the icy Niflheim of the 'recon orthodoxy' - hell, even the more middle of the road groups seem to be heading in this direction nowadays. On the other side we have the extreme Muspell of the more vision based groups that are engaged in practices that we might not want to get involved in because we don't want to be put through painful physical ordeals and nor do we think them necessary. This leaves us in a kind of Ginnungagap.
This isn't right.
To this end, we're setting up a community for those of us in this Ginnungagap. We don't want to separate ourselves from the wider community, in fact we think it's important to still engage. However, over the past few years it's become painfully obvious that there needs to be something out there where we can discuss our experiences, the things we do and our take on things in a non-judgemental environment. That is what we are endevouring to create. Instead of seeing the vast emptiness of our ginnungagap, we're choosing to see the vast potentiality instead.
If you like the sound of what we are about, please feel free to join our mailing list at: