The fevered dream of two madwomen - our weirdest party yet?
As always: dance all night to the goth/industrial/electro/ebm/retro stylings of
Random Residents Copper Top, Krazy Karoline, Rony & Zlaya.
Origami Art for your perusal in The [pbrlounge] Cave by our buddy Sam Burton!
Check out his giant paper sculptures!
Summer's here, so we'll have the grill and the pool ready! Dress in swim/beach
wear, or any asian-themed outfit and get in for only $3! ($5 otherwise)
Bring in your own origami for a chance at fabulous prizes, dance and party all
night at the infamous Melody Inn!
Friday, July 2, 2010 at 10:00pm to 3:00am
The Melody Inn
3826 N. Illinois St.
Indianapolis, IN