
Oct 11, 2010 22:20

Player Information:
Name: Yana
Journal: konbini
Method of Contact: juyonfive (AIM), naichaaa at gmail dot com
Previous characters: clone!Sakura (luckywing)

Character Information:
Full Name: Ryouko Ookami
Series: Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
Canon point: post-canon
Age: 16
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: Those are shorts underneath. I should mention she has wolf-like eyes and fangs IF THOSE WEREN'T OBVIOUS uhh also she's flat-chested. The series keeps pointing it out, it is that big a deal.
Appearance upon arrival: Her usual self - it is just another day at Otogibana City when she arrives in Splendor.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: Nope.
Character History: Wikipedia

Call her an iron board and she'll bust a cap in your ass. That's Ryouko Ookami for you, known as "Ookami-san" or "Wolf" at her high school. Crass, tomboyish, wild - she has the image of a delinquent student, sits with her legs apart, uses masculine speech and can bring down a few thugs with her brute strength. The cool and brave Ryouko - that's how people see her, but little do they know about the softer side of her personality. Throughout the series, she is called a girl "in wolf's clothing," acting tough in order to defend herself and always working toward being stronger, never backing down from a fight as long as she can keep going. In fact, she loves being called strong, but takes being called wild or manly as an insult. She hates those who are weak and cannot protect those in danger. In addition, her profile describes her as an instant damage-dealing tsundere who punches Ryoushi whenever he gets her flustered, which is quite often.

Take away that tough exterior and you'll see that Ryouko is just like any normal girl. She is fond of flowers, sweets and cute animals, but would rather be caught dead than being seen with any of these. How she deals with her longtime hobby of reading romance novels is, according to Ringo, akin to that of a boy who reads pornographic magazines - she goes through great lengths to disguise herself as she purchases them in bookshops and places fake covers on them while Ringo isn't looking. Romance is a sensitive topic, of course - her maiden heart can't take it!

Before Ryouko's personality change, she was a shy girl, but only closed up more after what her ex-boyfriend Shirou had done to her. Losing the trust of her friends was even a harder blow that led her to keep her distance from others. Ringo was the first to bring down Ryouko's front, however, and it's thanks to her that Ryouko has opened up more today. She values friendship, is genuinely concerned about her friends and is able to trust people more easily. Perhaps even too easily - Ryouko is still a good person, bad girl image aside. However, because of her trauma, she still can't be honest with others and is afraid to look weak and let her guard down. Because of the facade she puts up, she can't be true to herself, especially when it comes to her feelings for Ryoushi.

Character Abilities: At least three years' worth training at the local boxing gym. She's strong enough to take on a few thugs by herself, with or without equipment.
Possessions: She'll be bringing a pair of Neko Neko Knuckles Revamped Mark II created by Majolica, which are connected by a cord and meow on contact. It also leaves cat facemarks on the enemy, like so. This is what they generally look like.
Anything else: She's a tsundere.

Action/Communcation thread/post sample:

Shit, I lost track of them. I don't know where I am -- [ And she notices that she's holding a seal in one of her Neko Neko Knuckles. Okay this is kind of weird. ] -- I'll catch up. Do you know the fastest way out of here? Ringo. [ No response. Let's try again. ] Ringo. Ringo, Ryoushi, do you copy?

Ryou... [ no, no, she can't lose anyone at a time like this ]

Ryoushi, Ringo, oi! [ What's happening? Shit. IT'S TIME FOR SOME RUNNING ACTION.

She sprints out of the Hall, but you know what, judging from what it's like outside, something tells her this isn't Otogibana anymore. Panic. People pass by and she tries to get their attention to ask for directions. ]

Hey-- ... Oi, do you know--[ groans. Oh, another person. ] Wait, could y--[ someone bumps into her hard ] Watch where you're going, asshole!

[ But they keep walking. Won't anyone hear her out? Otogibana's always been sealed off from the rest of Japan. Would this be the real world, then? Did those guys from Onigashima bring her here? Goddammit, she's... she's scared.

UGH NO FIGHT ON OOKAMI-SAN. She walks out and around the Hall to find some answers. With her Neko Neko Knuckles on. Ryouko's not in a good mood, so she might glare at you for whatever reason. Unless you're like, cute and not humanoid. ]

Log/Prose sample:

"Three wishes," the genie said and puffed a cloud of pink smoke that Ryouko swatted away. What the hell was this middle-aged baldie on? Moreover, why was that cloud shaped like a butterfly? How was it able to flutter like that? It was freaking weird! Oh, whatever. The thing was cute, anyway. Too cute... Another puff of smoke, and it looked more like a terrier this time. As soon as she raised her hand to swat it, it ran up to her and looked up. Its charm softened the look on Ryouko's face and made her eyes sparkle as she reached out to pet the dog. Her hands touched the dog's forehead, but at that moment, it disappeared, leaving nothing but more smoke that made her cough.

Back to the topic.

"Well, it'd be nice to... Yuki-sensei's novel." The one where the boy, puts his umbrella over the girl waiting for the bus, leaving him completely drenched in the rain. It was a cliche rain scene that didn't even involve holding hands, a confession or a kiss, but her cheeks felt hot from just thinking about it. She lowered her head in embarrassment. There was no way wishing for something silly like that would ever make it come true, but somehow, something inside her convinced her to make a wish. She didn't know if it was Ringo's voice echoing in her mind or that dream of Ryoushi she stuffed back in there, but she told the genie in an almost whisper, "I'd like to live it out."

Hold on, don't want him to get the wrong idea! "I-it's not that," A pause, then she half-mumbled the rest of her sentence. "I particularly like romance."

Her eyes shifted left and right.

"Or anything."

No one had to know she read all of those books in junior high. If they did, she'd kill them. Ryouko hunched her shoulders up and stiffened her back as she waited for the genie's reply.

game / splendorocity, ( ooc ) application

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