Nov 20, 2012 01:14
After finishing up my most recent favourite TV show, Being Erica (an awesome Canadian drama that just really hit the spot with the issues it was dealing with), I've now become addicted to Kitchen Cabinet. It stars Annabel Crabb, an Australian political journalist and, it appears, dedicated dessert maker extraordinaire, and she visits politicians in their homes, bringing dessert and they make her a meal and she interviews them.
Her theory is that people tend to spill more juicy gossip over a meal.
As nerdy as it sounds, it fascinates me because it combines two things I love: delicious food and seeing into the lives of other people. So what an amazing combination! Plus growing up in Canberra, you can't NOT be a little bit interested in politics.
I think it's incredible because you get to see through to the person behind the usual political persona. I mean, who would have known that Joe Hockey lives in a share house, rather like a uni student, in Canberra and had Brendan Nelson living in an uninsulated shed in the back. I've lived in a couple of places in Canberra that have had poor insulation and let me tell you, it is freezing. How on earth did he get through question time every day when he'd probably spent the night hiding out under his doona cover, so that he didn't get that bitter Canberran winter frost on his face overnight?
I just finished up the season 1 episode with Penny Wong (who I've always been a fan of, particularly after she took my ex-manager to task as he was clearly unprepared for the meeting - good on her!) and when she talked about how hard it was being an Asian kid in Adelaide (and she was there in the 70s I guess?) I went "OMG ME TOO!" It's weird to think that you have anything in common with a senior Cabinet Minister.
I guess it's just one of those reminders that people are just people. It's just that these people have a lot more influence over what happens in this country.
Working in the public service last year, I really despaired about politics, thinking it just a dirty, dirty game. But I suppose that even if the game is dirty, not every player is dirty. Just like in every part of life, there are those people that do bad things, are nasty and ambitious and self-serving. But maybe not everyone.
I still think Amanda Vanstone is utterly terrifying. But her tomato pasta dish looked yum.
*edit* And I think Annabel is totally likeable. Nosy, yes. But that's her job. I wouldn't to be on the other end of her questions, as she'd get so much out of you and you'd still think she was lovely. How can you hate someone who brings your dessert? Plus I love seeing her outfits!