Your Linguistic Profile:
70% General American English
15% Yankee
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
0% Dixie
What Kind of American English Do You Speak? ---------------------------------------
Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. We got home a little before three am last night and I got to bed about 3:20 and had to get back up at a quarter to 7. Then we had to present our German presentation and we had sports where we did running and sprinting activities the whole time. Last night was super cool though! I had so much fun so it was worth it. Plus I am going to take a nap soon before I go out again tonight.
Today was the last day of school for the 13th class and they came around and said goodbye and gave everyone candy and since I know Kerstin and all of her friends I got hella candy so I was happy. But a few of them also had water guns and Marian sprayed me totally wet with his during my ethics class. I turned around and saw him and he said "This will be fun" and then all the sudden I was wet and then I tried to get it away from him but then the stopper came open and it just spilled all over my arms. Pech gehabt. The abschied was pretty cool but it will be weird not having them at school anymore.
We watched a Hitler speach in History today and it was weird....I mean I've only ever watched them in America before when I couldn't speak German and then it was just reading the subtitles and Hitler kind of just sounds like he's barking and saying angry things in gibberish, but when you can understand it it's really different somehow. And scary. The teacher played it on one of these super old machines though... one of the ones where you have the roll of film and put it on the waaay old mashine and it starts playing as black and white projections on the wall and first comes "3" and then "2" and then "1" and then it starts and at the end comes "the end" (except it was "ende" cause it's German). We should still play films like that instead of dumb VHS and DVD movies.
Oh man, time for sleeping and then showering and then answering the ultimate question "What will I wear tonight?"