Dec 16, 2003 16:13
So today I went to the orthodontist and they have no idea what they are doing. I should be an orthodontist and show em how its done. Fuck them.
I'm completely in love with the jeep for sale on the way to school. I have never felt so strong about a car before. I need it, its a necessity.
I was getting dissed all through fucking lunch. Luckily I dont give a shit, and this could not have bothered me less. I was very proud of myself for just ignoring the remarks. I tried to make the best out of a very uncomfortable situation.
Stay out of my business. K thanks.
On a happier note today was decent leaning towards good.
Christmas break is coming up, as well as finals. Thursday and Friday should be most enjoyable.
I'm hanging out with Scott on Thursday, on Friday I will be attending Hillary's family's Christmas party, which will be pimp like always.