(no subject)

Feb 18, 2005 22:27

... There are far too many frightening, rude, judgmental, disturbing, disruptive, delinquent people in this world. Being the idealist that I am, it bothers me.

I wish people would just learn that there is no need to be rude, violent, or mean... that there is no need to harm others in any way, be it emotional, psychological, or physical. That there is no reason for war, no reason for anyone to go hungry... that there is enough in the world for everyone, and that everyone deserves a chance, no matter what they look like or where they come from.

That no matter what someone's religion is, they are people, and you have no right to criticise them-- just as it is crude and disrespectful to judge by hair colour, it is crude and disrespectful to judge by religion or creed.

That whether a person likes individuals of their same sex or of the opposite sex, they are mutually accepting of others' preferences. Human sexuality is something that should be embraced and honoured. Sex is the most natural of acts, comparable to eating and sleeping (though studies have shown that it is not instinctual, as was once thought), and it should be treated as such, no matter how it's done or who you do it with. And love is a beautiful thing that transcends flesh-- it touches the soul and bends the heart, whether you be "straight" or "gay".

That beauty, poetry, and art are everywhere-- it's just that far too many of us are too jaded to see it because we are consumed by "human" concerns. Sometimes one really should stop to appreciate everything around them, because oftimes it's far too quickly gone.

That to love is not necessarily to be in love, and that to be in love is not necessarily to be in lust, but that lust is natural-- that it's merely a human process, and should not be shameful.

That age is a state of mind and nothing other.

If people would just see this, things would be better.

All we can do is want peace.

"War is over if you want it."


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