I'm not going to comment specifically on the presidential debate. I doubt I could add much that wasn't said already. However while watching, I started thinking that we should have more of these. Of course the debates aren't perfect, but at least it gives the candidates a chance to address each other and the American people.
Right now, it seems one of the main sources of information the public gets about the people running for office are the political ads. I would propose that we get rid of these altogether.
For one thing, look at all the money spent on these advertisements. The amount spent on political advertising for television alone will probably reach
$3 billion by Election Day. Three friggin billion! Imagine all the good that could be done with that money.
So let each candidate take all that money that would be wasted on a 30 second commercial and put it to some practical use. If Obama is concerned about the state of eduction in this country, have him find a creative way to use that money to help the schools. If McCain in concerned about the soldiers coming back from Iraq, have him use that money to provide medical care for them and for their families. Seems a lot better way to use these billions of dollars that paying for an ad that makes them look good and the other guy look bad. Let's make them prove that they can do some good. After all, considering the president is responsible for how our tax dollars are spent, let them prove they can put the money to good use by spending their own instead.
And if we had regular debates, say each week, then each of the candidates could discuss the good they've done. It may restore some people's faith to see politicians can be part of the solution rather than part of the probelm.
Now some people may say that we need the ads because that's how many people get their information about the candidates. People may not want to watch a debate each week, but they will watch their favorite shows and, by default, the ads. Well, I think that's kind of scary that people are getting so much information from such obviously biased sources. And even if they weren't slanted, you cannot get a handle on the issues with just a 30 second ad.
Come on. Even with American Idol, you get to hear the contestants sing before voting for them. So shouldn't you have to at least hear what the potential President of the United States has to say before casting your vote? It's pretty scary to think someone would put less effort in voting for Obama or McCain as they would choosing
this guy.