Sep 12, 2008 16:58
There's that old joke about the guy who's in an alley looking for his for something. I can't remember exactly what he's looking for, but it's a generic joke so it really doesn't matter.
Anyway, another guy comes over and asks him if the place that he's looking is the same place that he dropped it. The first man answers, "No I lost it over there but the light is better over here."
No, I didn't laugh either but that joke did remind me of something that happened today. I work customer service and the caller was asking for something. I explained that we don't handle that but I gave him the phone number of the company that does.
A few minutes later, the same guy calls back. I again explained that I couldn't help him. He told me that he knew that, but when he called the other company, all he got was a recording and he wanted to talk to a real person.
We're going to be getting an automated 800 number by the end of the year. I wonder if that means people will stop calling us too.
customer service,