Just another LJ post

Jul 08, 2007 17:43

Sitting here in my new place with a landslide of boxes to unpack, I remembered I haven't written on this journal in a while. So I've decided to hold off on unpacking by updating my LJ. Nothing like fighting procrastination with more procrasination.

I'm moved again for the umpteenth time ( for those that are wondering, 'umpteenth is slightly more than 'goo-gobs' and slightly less than a gazillion) and hope it's the last for at least the next couple years. I do love my new place. I'm still in the same general area which means I can still walk to work. Had a small informal housewarming get-together this weekend which was kind of a nice way to break the place in.

And it's sooo nice not to hear construction when I come home and on the weekends. They totally renovated all the units in my old building and with all the hammering and drilling, the last few months were like living in a dentist's office. And it wasn't like they were even converting to condos. Just more expensive apartments. Of course, I'm sure once the housing market improves, they'll evict all the tenants and go condo. Not that I feel too sorry for them. Anyone willing to pay the extravagent prices they're asking deserves what they get. I don't pity the fools.

I'm just glad to be out of there and so are all the other tenants and former tentants I've talked to. I've never seen so many people so happy to be evicted.

Back to the dentist office reference, I have a couple more appointments this week then I'm hopefully done til my next check-up. Of course I'll be paying off my dental bills for the next couple years. Already I've cancelled most of my planned vacations. Yeah, some of it's my fault for waiting over two years, especially since I inherited rotten teeth in the first place. But I still don't get the whole dental industry and how they can get away with charging so much. And why can't they just knock you out and do what they need to do like a real doctor? What's with the whole Dr. Giggles torture routing. My theory is that it scares people from going to the dentist so they get more cavities and thus have to have more work done when they do go in. Plus the dentist can feed their egos by lecturing on the importance of flossing. Sadistic bastards.

On a brighter note, I finally got to see the fireworks this year. Last year I made the mistake of thinking I could see them from my place. This time I made it downtown. They also had the symphony playing and an event call Taste of Chicago. They had vendors from restaraunts all over Chicago you were able to sample a bunch of different foods all at once. It sounds great in theory but it's way too crowded.  It would be easier just to go to a bunch of restaruants than navigating through the braindead masses. My friend, Allison, seemed to really enjoy it and I'm guessing lots of others do as well but I don't get it. I'm glad I went for the experience but it's majorly overrated.

Other than that though, I had a good time. The fireworks were incredible and once we staked out a seat on the lawn it was cool to just kick back and enjoy the surroundings. People watching is best when you can actually watch the people as opposed to trying to make your way through  and around them.

Well, enough about me since I usually get pretty bored reading and writing just about me.  Til next time...
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